South Korea and the United States begin the largest joint military exercises

South Korea and the United States begin the largest joint military exercises

07/03/2016 15:22

South Korea and the United States begin the largest joint military exercises[Where – Follow – up]
South Korean and American forces began large – scale military exercises on Monday in an annual test for Dvaathma against North Korea , which has described the exercises as ” a nuclear war moves , ” and threatened to retaliate to launch a comprehensive attack.
South Korea said, this will be the largest exercise yet after the fourth nuclear test by North Korea, in January, and launched a missile long – term last month, prompting the UN Security Council to impose tough new sanctions.
North Korea refused to criticism of its nuclear programs and missile even old ally China last week ordered the North Korean leader Kim Jong – un his country ‘s readiness to use nuclear weapons in the face of what he calls the growing threats from enemies.
the US military command the southern common and Korean, she notified North Korea , “nature is provocative for this training , ” which includes about 17 thousand US troops and more than 300 thousand South Koreans.
the South Korean defense Ministry, she had not seen references to any military unusual activity by North Korea. the
national Committee for the defense of North Korea, she said, that the army and the people in North Korea . ” will achieve greater desire of the Korean people through the Holy justice war for reunification ” in response to any attack from the US and South Korean troops.
North Korean committee said in a statement carried by the Korean Central news agency , North,” the army and people of the Democratic people ‘s Republic of Korea Sishnan out war to deal decisively the United States and its followers and moves Alheiestirih nuclear war. ”
North Korea went routinely threatened to take military action in response to the annual exercises , which it considers to prepare for war against it .