Sources in the government of Kurdistan: the attack on Mosul begins at dawn on Monday

Sources in the government of Kurdistan: the attack on Mosul begins at dawn on Monday

Sunday, October 16, 2016 18:33

Sources in the government of Kurdistan - the attack on Mosul begins at dawn on MondayBAGHDAD / Baghdadi Uz..khevc sources in the Kurdistan Regional Government, said on Monday that the attack on the city of Mosul to recover it from the control of the terrorist Daesh will start at dawn on Monday.

The sources told / Baghdadi News / “The zero hour for the battle to liberate Mosul has been determined, and that the attack would begin at dawn on Monday.”
“The US-led international coalition forces began intensive aerial bombardment on the city of Mosul, just before the big battle, which is the largest military operation taking place in Iraq since the US invasion in 2003″.
In this context, the Iraqi federal police command announced that its troops were stationed at the base in Qayyarah positions, awaiting the start of the battle.
It will take part in the operation army forces and formations of the Federal police and rapid response forces and the Peshmerga as well as some support groups to Aovernmh.anthy 21 / d