Sources for “Tomorrow’s Press”: infallible would resign within hours because of the pressures of Barzani

Sources for “Tomorrow’s Press”: infallible would resign within hours because of the pressures of Barzani

10/08/2014 21:48

Sources for Tomorrows Press - infallible would resign within hours because of the pressures of BarzaniTomorrow’s Press / Baghdad: Informed sources confirmed, on Sunday evening, the President of the Republic of Iraq Mohammad Fuad Masum, will resign in the coming hours because of pressure from the President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani, and some international bodies.
The sources told “tomorrow’s Press,” said that “political pressure exercised by the region’s president, Massoud Barzani, and some foreign countries and other destinations, will pay infallible to submit his resignation from the presidency of the Republic of Iraq,” while those sources did not explain what those pressures.
The House of Representatives elected by the end of the month of July which is infallible Kurdistan Alliance candidate as the new president of the Republic of the successor to the outgoing president, Jalal Talabani.