Source reveals the sites that Israel will bomb in Iraq
Source reveals the sites that Israel will bomb in Iraq
2024-10-02 | 11:03
Alsumaria News-Security
Detection source Informed about the sites that Israel will bomb in Iraq.
Asharq Al-Awsat quoted the source as saying, “There is information circulating inside indicating that Tel Aviv has identified 35 targets inside…Iraq It can be struck at any moment, and includes targeting prominent political leaders and faction leaders, similar to what happened in Lebanon.
In light of the potential risks that the Sudanese government is aware of, according to the sources, it is forced to undertake various political moves and activities that would spare his country from possible Israeli strikes.
The source stated that “the Prime Minister recently assigned three influential and acceptable figures, including a religious and political figure, to conduct urgent contacts and meetings with the leaders and commanders of some factions with the aim of convincing them to distance themselves at this stage due to the seriousness of the situation.”
The two sources’ statements are consistent with what Asharq Al-Awsat reported from sources in London, who said, “There is concern in…Baghdad From greater involvement of the Iraqi armed factions in the confrontation with Israel, which could have difficult repercussions on the Iraqi interior.