Source: Barham Saleh splits from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

Source: Barham Saleh splits from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.


Source - Barham Saleh splits from the Patriotic Union of KurdistanA well-informed source said that the leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Barham Salih, had announced that he defected from the party to which he belonged

The source pointed out that Saleh defected from the party after the election of Lahore Sheikh Genki and Pavel Talabani as joint president of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, with a majority of 91 votes in today’s meeting.

A well-informed source had previously reported that the family of the former Secretary-General of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Jalal Talabani, had informed the leader of the Union, Barham Salih, of his refusal to take over the presidency of the Union, pointing to informing Saleh that the Union did not wish to nominate him for a second term in the presidency of the Republic.