Source / Baghdadi News /: Vice-President of the Republic are still practicing their habitually

Source / Baghdadi News /: Vice-President of the Republic are still practicing their habitually

Sunday, September 13, 2015 14:48

Vice-President of the Republic are still practicing their habituallyBAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / .. said a high-level parliamentary source in the parliamentary legal committee, said on Sunday that the three Vice-Presidents of the Republic are still engaged in their work routinely, while stressing that they receive salaries and allocated to them with privileges.
The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity for / Baghdadi News /, “The House of Representatives vote on the reforms put forward by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi incomplete to dismiss the Vice President of the Republic because of non-submission of the President Fuad Masum, a request to cancel the positions of his deputies until now.” noting that “this matter will enable the Federal Court to accept the appeal filed by Abadi to cancel the positions.”
The source said, “The Vice-Presidents of the three Almjhorih still Emason their business and routinely receive their salaries and privileges on a regular basis and according to the law.”
It is said that “a coalition of state law, Hussein al-Maliki, a member of detection, earlier, that the coalition will submit an appeal to the Federal Court regarding the cancellation of positions of Vice-President of the Republic” .anthy / P