Source: Amiri put a condition in front of the chest cut the way for Abbadi to win a second term
Source: Amiri put a condition in front of the chest cut the way for Abbadi to win a second term
2018/06/27 12:41 2395
Baghdad today – follow-up
Al-Mada newspaper said in a report, quoting a source described by the early confirmation of the requirement of the head of the Fatah alliance, Hadi al-Amiri, not to nominate any person from the Dawa Party to fill the post of prime minister next before his alliance with a coalition backed by the leader of the Sadrist movement Moqtada al-Sadr .
The source pointed out that “this condition is aimed at removing Abadi from the chair of the prime minister,” revealing that “Sadr and before his alliance with Amiri asked Abadi to abandon the Dawa Party to grant him a second term, but the latter will issue, forcing Sadr to ally with Amiri, The pressure on him increased significantly with the entry of Iranian parties on the line of negotiations . ”
The source added that “the coalition consisting of others and Fatah and victory and wisdom will be joined by the National Coalition after cutting off large rounds of negotiations,” noting that the meetings continued and the latest continued late in the evening last Monday, during which reached significant understandings with the ruling coalition and the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the National Union Kurdistan “.
He pointed out that “the negotiations that took place Monday, attended by Saleh al-Mutlaq on the National Coalition and some leaders of others, reached a resolution of many points and understandings that will accelerate their joining the alliance four,” stressing that “once joined any list of Sunni lists winning we will announce the largest bloc .”
He expected that “the announcement of the largest parliamentary bloc will be before the first of July next to avoid falling into the constitutional vacuum,” likely to “be the date of the announcement of the bloc or the new coalition beginning next week .”
In the meantime, the newspaper pointed out to “the displeasure of the leaders of the Badr Organization and the Fatah alliance Hadi al-Ameri on the alliance of Prime Minister Haider Abadi with others,” noting that “Amiri has great ambitions to run for the presidency of the Council of Ministers .”
The term quoted unnamed sources as saying that “the alliance of Sadr and Abbadi cut the way to Amiri’s ambitions and reduced the chances and chances of the presidency of the government,” asserting that “the recent alliance raised the fury of the conquest .”
She pointed out that “these leaks coincide with the information that the prominent Sadr leader on the requirement of Amiri on Sadr not to nominate a person from the Dawa Party to head the government,” asserting that “the agreements that took place between the conquest and others prevented the entry of Abadi and Maliki in the largest parliamentary bloc .