Source: al-Issawi on the Interpol list
Source: al-Issawi on the Interpol list
The time on Thursday, 14 March / March 2013 07:41
Baghdad / Orr News
Revealed a high-level political source that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki upon prior agreement with tribal leaders in Anbar and politicians in Mosul, Salahuddin instructed to arrest and Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi.
Said the source, who declined to be named, said that “President al-Maliki told tribal leaders and politicians linked with terrorist issues Issawi Following that, the order to instruct his arrest.”
The source pointed out that al-Issawi not able to escape, explaining that “the arrest warrant against him was circulated to all embassies, Interpol and to the Council of Arab Interior Ministers,” adding that al-Issawi legally required for the Iraqi government can not deal with him as much as they have been dealt by with Vice President desired issues terrorism-related Tareq al-Hashemi, who fled before the arrest warrant sent it to other countries.