Source: Abadi bowed to the demands of the Kurds and kept Zebari and Minister of Finance

Source: Abadi bowed to the demands of the Kurds and kept Zebari and Minister of Finance

Published on: 12-04-2016, 17:17

Source - Abadi bowed to the demands of the Kurds and kept Zebari and Minister of FinanceBAGHDAD / Hassan Shammari:

A source of Parliament, Tuesday, for bending the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to the demands of the Kurdish groups about the survival and Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari in office, pointing out that the reshuffle will include the ministers of culture Raundozi and Displacement and Migration Jassim Mohammed dry.

The source said in an interview with “Sky Press”, “The Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari will remain in office without being covered by the reshuffle made by al-Abadi of the parliament.”
The source, who asked not to be named, said: “cabinet reshuffle will include the ministers of culture Raundozi, immigration Jassim Mohammed dry.”

The MP for the National Alliance, Ali al-Badri said on Tuesday (April 12, 2016), that changing the names of candidates for ministerial cabins and new nomination figures from political parties and blocs “unconstitutional and a conspiracy against the Iraqi people,” stressing that “goodwill rally” will not vote on a candidate It is nominated by any party or political bloc.

It is worth mentioning that the three presidents and leaders of the blocs signed at a meeting held, on Monday, at the Peace Palace in Baghdad, the document of national reform, the document included in the main clauses creation of an advisory political council houses in the membership of the political forces leaders of the state, and to the political blocs candidates to Prime Minister and shall have the right to select the names of asserting the national partnership.