Sophisticated weapons to complete the editing right side
Sophisticated weapons to complete the editing right side
5/23/2017 0:38
Preparations for the battle of Hawija and combing operations wide Anbar
BAGHDAD / morning
Conduct military activities in full swing at the level of senior leadership with the continued operations of various cutouts in that one aimed at eliminating the final Aldoaash .. including detection change the resolution of liberation Ayman al- Mosul stage plans parallel with the continuation of the popular crowd rushes in the desert west of Nineveh, also held a security meeting wide in Kirkuk , taking the battle restore Hawija, while combing operations launched wide western Anbar, which made gangs Daesh feel the inevitable defeat and bow to download (black flags) and withdraw from the city of Qaim. Complete purge Najjar neighborhood and announced while driving operations (coming, Nineveh) yesterday afternoon to complete cleansing Najjar neighborhood right central coast, revealed the commander of anti – terrorism forces , Lieutenant – General Abdul – Ghani al – Asadi, a change for the liberation of the rest of the revival of the coast operation plans. He pointed out that our sector ended the first stage, while the description of the second phase Palmakdh being targeted at the guise of terrorists among the alleys of the old city ‘s narrow and with buildings ramshackle, warning that the forces are besieging those Aldoaash between death or surrender by changing military plans radically axes all of which will take new sites have troops with the detailed study of each axis. Among the changes introduced, confirmed the commander of the federal police team Raed Shakir Jawdat, the introduction of smart and developed missiles by police laboratories in the DC targets elected and important gangs Daesh in the last dens right coast. Said Jawdat: artillery battalions and rockets pounded by the aircraft cameras information march and accurately scores of elected targets for Doaash as centers of leadership and logistics, positions defensive weapons, wheels, transport mechanisms and support the old city center, pointing out that this bombing comes in preparation for the launch of the final phase of the restoration of the remaining areas of operations of this coast, stressing that our forces put at the forefront of its priority care to ensure the safety of residents held by these gangs as human shields. Save families from under the rubble and said Jawdat said federal police forces have rescued dozens of families who were surrounded by Daesh gangs in the neighborhood (July 17) , which was completed edited yesterday and transferred to camps for displaced people, also he praised the MP for the province of Nineveh , Nayef al – Shammari, the efforts of anti – terrorism and the defense forces civil while successfully rescued a number of families with a population of 50 civilians were trapped under the rubble of their house in the al – Najjar neighborhood coast right after the bombing of al – Daesh terrorist of the house they are inside, indicating that immediately after the arrival of distress calls , one of them from under the rubble , initiated by these forces to make strenuous efforts continued for more seven Lighters resulted in taking out all civilians from the rubble without any casualties. He also commended the efforts of those described by Baljabbarh which keep pace with the military effort and achieved victories against terrorist factions Daesh. Battle of Hawija anticipated and events to eliminate the presence of terrorists, declare Kirkuk police headquarters, the security meeting a broad held Inspector General of the Interior Ministry ‘s office in the province, by order of the Prime Minister and Commander of the Armed Forces Haider al – Abadi to discuss the restoration of Hawija process. It said in a statement to inform the provincial police, said the meeting was held in the presence of the Kirkuk police chief Brigadier speech Omar Aref and deputy police chief , Brigadier General Ali Mutashar and deputy commander of the eastern Tigris operations Brigadier – General Abdul – Rahman Ahmed al – Jubouri and Inspector General of the Interior Ministry Bamahaafth Colonel Arkan Massari and supervisor of the restoration of Hawija operations Brigadier General Mohammad Taher traffic Director Brigadier General Fouad oil police Director Colonel Fattah al – Khafaji Hawija police chief. The statement added that the meeting was attended by the leaders of the popular crowd and the Director of Intelligence Peshmerga nationality and directors of civil defense, explosives and principals relevant departments, noting that the purpose of the meeting is to discuss the issue of restoration of Hawija and work on the stage after the elimination of Daesh terrorist gangs. Explaining that it will be in the immediate run – off stage for the work of the security services and administrative departments during the upcoming launch of military operations in response to the needs of departments Hawija. Hunt for terrorists Anbar desert military events synchronized, according to a statement included cell media war, launched military forces on Monday , three combing operations in the vast western desert province of Anbar , to hunt down militants Daesh. The cell said in a statement that included the launch of the first pieces of Anbar Operations Command at dawn yesterday an inspection and clearing areas Tmil and Wadi Akaddv south of the international highway within the “gray – Kailua 160″ section. At the same time , it cuts off the leadership of the island and the desert operations of the seventh Infantry Division , an inspection and combing vast areas east of Lake Haditha (Qadisiyah) and south – west of the city by the far west of the province. On the third axis similar and extensive process involving areas Nibai and Bani Zeid and quarries and the surrounding areas by driving east of Anbar operations was launched in coordination with the Baghdad Operations Command. Daesh down flags and masquerades and on the impact of the activities of our troops and their victories subsequent Daesh gangs felt that the final future defeat inevitably than (black beholders make them bow and down) of all premises open and public and withdraw from spending based the most prominent and most dangerous strongholds on the Iraqi – Syrian border due to the significant losses incurred by air strikes Air Iraqi and international, as quoted by press reports from a local source in Anbar, as saying that those gangs pulled leaders and members of the local, Arab and foreigners from all their headquarters in Qaim and moved to new headquarters secret outside the Iraqi judiciary towards Western Sahara To take the valleys and hills hideouts away from the eyes of the people – based. The source says: The reason for the adoption of the terrorist organization of this new plan, due to human suffered heavy losses as a result of air strikes by the Iraqi and international aviation that targeted its headquarters and gatherings of its elements and its leaders killed and wounded hundreds of them over the past weeks and months. The most recently announced joint operations command killed 13 leading air strike targeted a meeting of them in the existing spend while they were planning terrorist attacks , which during the next month of Ramadan.