Shocking study on electric cars!

Shocking study on electric cars!


Shocking study on electric carsInformation/follow up..
A recent Wall Street Journal report, citing a study published in 2022, stated that electric cars may emit more pollution than gasoline-powered cars.

The report stated that electric cars are 30% heavier on average than gasoline cars, which leads to brake and tire wear faster, thus releasing small toxic particles into the atmosphere.

Electric car batteries weigh about 453 kg, and can result in tire emissions that are about 400 times greater than tailpipe emissions.

Hisham Raka, a professor at Virginia Tech, told the Daily Mail website that it is very difficult to determine the difference between the amount of microplastics emitted from the tire tread of electric cars and those that run on gasoline.

The Virginia Tech research team is conducting field tests to determine the amount of microplastics emitted by electric and gasoline-powered cars, using urban environment simulators.

Rakka added that he does not expect there to be a big difference between electric cars and gasoline-powered vehicles, saying that the team expects the difference to reach about 20%.

He explained that electric cars “also generate a lot of carbon dioxide when charging the car.”

A study conducted by Emissions Analytics revealed that the main difference between exhaust pipe emissions and electric car tire emissions is that the majority of particle emissions from the tire go directly to the soil and water, while the exhaust negatively affects air quality.

She explained that the effects of tire composition are due to the materials from which the tire is made.

Emissions Analytics tested tire wear in both electric and gasoline-powered vehicles after driving a distance of no less than 1,600 kilometers.

The researchers collected particles directly behind each tire to measure the size of the particles emitted by the tread.

They found that the greater the mass and weight of a vehicle, the faster tire particulate emissions are released due to increased torque between the tires and the road.

The resulting pollution can lead to health problems including heart disease, asthma, and lung disease, and in extreme cases, it can lead to hospitalization, cancer, and premature death.