Shawki: Terms of industrialized countries to give Iraq {25} billion dollars to be politically stable

Shawki: Terms of industrialized countries to give Iraq {25} billion dollars to be politically stable

17.4.2016 13:21

Shawki - Terms of industrialized countries to give Iraq 25 billion dollars to be politically stable{Baghdad: Euphrates News} MP for the Bloc citizens need to achieve political stability in Iraq until the six leading industrial countries to give Iraq convinced {25} billion dollars in batches noting that “the conditions of those countries to be {in Iraq} political stability.
He said Shawki said in a statement received by the agency {Euphrates News} a copy of it today , ” the parliamentary system is globally one of the best modern systems in the state administration if applied professionally away from the party ‘s authority and we went to the building authority of the state and its institutions in accordance with legal procedures and constitutional away from auctions and Lowe arms The difference in points considering to become sour in friendliness issue.
He continued , “We are with the overall fundamental and serious and holistic and balanced reform in all aspects of the state and sectors and reforms in the political, economic, administrative and financial aspects and mechanisms of control and the fight against corruption and away from quotas partisan, so we share the protesters need to administrative change in ministerial cabin and independent bodies and positions Acting and special grades and replace them with people with competence, efficiency and integrity, independence and national and we have a legal contexts to achieve this, stressing that “what affirmed in the Constitution that there is a fair representation of all the ingredients, not parties or blocs this is stipulated by the Constitution.”
and completed “but we feel that it is not interested change of the three presidencies at the present time for the following reasons, the country is challenging the security strong requires the concerted efforts of the three presidencies and state institutions and the general public so that our armed forces and mobilized to cleanse the land of Iraq from terrorist Daash gangs, and the country is going through an economic and financial defy this requires in addition to the reforms help the community international and the visit of the Secretary General of the United nations and head of the international Monetary Fund, as well as Islamic , but pave the way for even the six leading industrial countries be convinced to give Iraq {25} billion dollars in batches {provided that Iraq ‘s political stability}. ”
he added , ” the third reason is that the absence of the component Sunni who through their supreme religious authority , Mr. Sistani long live {ourselves} is a serious thing that could lead to the internationalization of the Iraqi issue and the lack of recognition internationally government and we can not to impose on the component of the Sunni candidates is whether Mishan Jubouri or al – Janabi or others to understand and only they have the right to choose their candidate , and this also applies to the Kurdish issue as well. ”
” Is the world ready to recognize hold such a government? He explained “I think this will threaten the security of the country and rules of procedure road to the solution we follow the legal procedures and activating the supervisory role of the legislature.”
He called the Prime Minister to send cabins cabinet of technocrats and Punishment of patriotism, integrity, competence and experience, independence , and nominations are open to the public with regard to independent bodies and positions by proxy and special grades as demand a draft law for the ministries where the number of ministries and conditions Alastaizar that have been agreed and voted on as a way of fixed and the principle is then legislation and unresolved debate the present and future to be determined.
it is said that the parliament is witnessing an ongoing political crisis due to sit a number of deputies within the Council, while the country ‘s leaders and political parties seeking The three presidencies to calm the situation through a round of meetings and dialogues.
It is due to the country ‘s leaders and the three presidencies will hold a meeting today to resolve the crisis.
House Speaker Salim al – Jubouri , said today that ” the coming days will witness specifically to its board of overall House of Representatives , which includes full members after positive movement during the session the past two days to crystallize the perception collectivist be the focus of dissolved within the parliament and within a clear, legitimate and constitutional procedures, which would be a red line for any perception or a particular point of view and we are open to all points of view which we agree or disagree with it will be the first of our slate put forward by the completion of reforms , “.anthy