Shaways: Arab powers want the application of Article 140

Shaways: Arab powers want the application of Article 140


Shaways - Arab powers want the application of Article 140BAGHDAD / … MP for the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan block Bakhtiar Shaways, on Thursday, the agreement between the federal government and the Kurdistan region as positive for both parties, noting that the agreement the beginning of the application of Article 140 of the Constitution.

Shaways said in a statement: “Ein Iraq News” received a copy of the “Agreement between the Governments of the center and the region is a good start to open up new prospects for communication and understanding between the parties and to strengthen relations between them,” noting that “the Convention in spite of its importance to both sides, but it will not come to fruition what is not applied on the ground, especially since our previous experience is good with the previous government, which did not apply a bit of the past agreements. ”

He added that “We as representatives of the people we asked the former president of the Kurdistan Regional Government visited Baghdad to resolve the differences between the parties, this agreement has proved the validity of what we stressed.”

Adding that “the Convention contains several positive points for the Kurdistan notably with regard to Kirkuk and other disputed territories, this is the first time in the agreements between the province and the center referred to Kirkuk with respect to oil production, that the federal government take the opinion of the provincial government in this area, and this is somewhat contribute to the resolution of disputes relating to Article 140 Kurdistan these areas, because of the administrative side and the military spokesman in the hands of the Kurdish Peshmerga and the administration. ”

He said the “federal government approved by the Convention to these areas under the control of Kurdistan, and I think that the Arab powers want the day of the Kurdistan Regional Government application of Article 140″.

He stressed that “for the first time since the fall of the former regime, the federal government recognized that the Peshmerga forces are part of the Iraqi defense system.”

He explained that “this agreement will facilitate the House of Representatives and the political blocs all discussion of the draft oil and gas law as soon as possible, because this agreement included some sort of agreement in principle on this important law, which was delayed for more than six years, and the agreement also contributed to the installation of the right of the province in Financial Federal budget by 17 percent and acknowledged that this figure is correct and should be installed, despite attempts by some political parties and various characters during the previous sessions to reduce this percentage, also included the return of all entitlements of the province of the last period, including the salaries of employees of the province “.anthy / 3