Secrets and details of the September 11 bombings and al-Qaeda link Mossad scandal

Secrets and details of the September 11 bombings and al-Qaeda link Mossad scandal


Secrets and details of the September 11 bombings and al-Qaeda link Mossad scandalPalm – according to the Web site Press Pakalert a Center for American Studies means hot files experienced by the world, and the big issues on security and political levels .. Most studies focus on; Afghanistan, al-Qaeda, the CIA, India, Iraq, the Middle East, NATO, Pakistan, terrorism, America, Zionism … And the prospects for 2012.

Site was published in December last a very important study and serious implications and question why study?. We are not in need of civil engineers in order to confirm to us that blocks the authors of the 110-storey skyscraper with a steel structure consisting of 47 floors, could Tnharbashkl full and rapidly without the use of explosives .. All we need is two eyes are able to consider, and the thinking brain, in order to get into this obvious conclusion Hmasbb the, we believe it is necessary to emphasize much more than how, because knowing Mananvz 9/11/2001 attacks much more important than knowing how these attacks carried out ?.

We start first prophecy exciting and were curious about a man hovering around the doubts more than others .. This prophecy, and its relationship with the person who fired, with vital signs which indicate to carried out the attacks 11-9. It Isser Harel, chief of Israeli intelligence officials, the director of two Mossad and Shin Bet, between 1952 and 1963.

In the year 1979 before the 22-year-old from the events of September 11 ¨ September “2001, predicted Acer Harel is a very delicate obtaining happened in front of Michael Evans, an American supporter of the extremist Israelis. On 23 September” 1979, the Evans visited Harel at his home in Israel, where dinner with him and Dr. Reuven هشت, senior adviser to then-Prime Wazzraalasraúala Menachem Begin. In an editorial titled America is the target, published by the Jerusalem Post newspaper on September 30, “2001, Evans wondered known extreme hostility to the Arabs, the uncle he called Arab terrorism and whether it would arrive in America.

Uttered Rillaevans The terrorists are Arabs will target the tallest building in New York City, because it is a symbol of his relationship with a member reminders, this prophecy means Onahjmat September 11, “September” was the layout of the Mossad, under the recognition Acer Harel, a documented enough, which is also featured in Book by Michael Evans himself.

The first step on the road to prepare for the September 11 attacks “were secure control and supervision of insurance on the World Trade Center via private hands. It was necessary for the success of the attacks, because otherwise, what was possible to put an explosive device to destroy the buildings.

Four Zionist criminal networks

1 Larry Salڤr the sixty; It is a Jewish American businessman from New York, got a lease for 99 years for the entire World Trade Center complex on July 24, “2001 .. These المبنيان were not يساويان a lot because they were full of asbestos materials “Aturnat” cancer-causing, and had to be remove these materials Boclav the exorbitant rent allowance equivalent to the cost of approx.

Larry explains the reasons for daring to Astijaralambnyen saying; راودني the feeling ¨, “need امتلاكهما .. Does this justify implausible issued by a businessman said to be successful? Larry was having فطوره in restaurant windows Online with World ¨ in the north tower on the floor 107 “every morning but Sbahiom 11-9 instead of his habit of that, and his two sons, who were working in the complex, they decided too, so, not to come to the centers of their work in the morning, if the thing is either a part of the prophecy family Salڤrstein, and that the family was either know what will happen on that day, and the result is that Larry got the amount exceeded the $ 4.5 billion from the insurance company as a result of the destruction of the twin towers.

It is known that Larry was a key player in the company Rabert Murdock Jewish-oriented media, and a personal friend of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, the current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has Atsalahatvia him every morning on a Sunday.

2 Frank Lowy Louis; that he was a Jew born in Czechoslovakia, and was the owner and Westfield America one of the largest shopping stores in the world.

And Louis was hired Mall within Mrkzaltjarh global and area of ​​about 427 thousand square feet and Lowe This was an element in the Golani Brigade Israeli, and participated in the War of Independence of Israel and before that was a member of a gang Haganah terrorist, which spends three months a year at his home in Israel, has been and described The Sydney Herald as a self-made man has a special attention to the affairs of the Holocaust ¨ Holocaust, “and politics Israeli He Mall and launched the Israeli Institute for National Strategy and policy at the University of Tel Aviv in Israel, a close friend of both Ehud Olmert and Ariel Sharon, Netanyahu and Barak, and was involved in the case of banking with Olmert Frank Lowy came out unscathed from a 11-9 attack.

3 Lewis Eisenberg; is a criminal Jewish character, he was director of the Port Authority in New York, which agreed to convert rent to his fellow Jews from the likes of Larry Lowe was also major contributors to the campaign donations to the Bush-Cheney campaign for the presidential elections.

4 Ronald Lauder; is the owner of a company Estee Lauder giant cosmetics, and was head of the Office of New York Gov. George Pataki for privatization, and played an active role in the process of privatization of the World Trade Center has Osslodr school for the Mossad in Herzliya name School Lauder for diplomatic governance and strategy. Security supervision The second aspect which should be available in order to impose control necessary, is supervising the security on the compound has succeeded explosives experts in the Mossad, who encountered that were there before and Otinaalahjmat, the easy access to places strategy in the complex in order to prepare to destroy it. Kroll and Associates is got hold security.

Complex global trade, after the Trade Center bombing in 1993, and this company is owned by يهوديان names are Jules and Jeremy Kroll, The Maderaltnive of this company at the time was Geromhower, Jewish fanatic too, a well-known expert in the affairs of bioterrorism choice fell on John O’Neill your client’s former Bureau of Investigation the ¨ Afbaaa Federal to be the head of the security of the World Trade Center, which killed in his Olioumaml there in a 11-9 attack.

It is important to point out that O’Neill had quit his job with the FBI, after obstructing the investigation conducted in the bombing of the USS Cole near the shores of Yemen, by the U.S. ambassador in Sanaa Barbara Bodine Jewish, because it proved that the bombing were not base a relationship , and the USS hit an Israeli cruise missile.

The third aspect which should have been secured for the success of the scheme, was the imposition of the full supervision of the security of all airports that can be up to the kidnappers, and the inspections are carried out by travelers working with planners, in order to allow certain people to enter certain substances to the aircraft.

It was responsible for airport security which was launched three alleged kidnappers? The company responsible Dolby AC International Sahbhe Ezra Harrilo, from achim Atzmon, both يهوديان the two Israelis, and most of the staff were former clients of Israel’s Shin Bet .. Is not this the company is allowed for the 19 Arab hijackers at Logan airports in Boston and Newark in New Jersey, the introduction of sharp tools and even firearms to aircraft? Or that something suspicious had happened?.

It is known that from achim Atzmon former treasurer of the Likud party, was involved in a political scandal with Olmert and other leaders of the Likud Party, was tried on charges of corruption and falsification of documents and so on.

Prior knowledge

A a Gomel تشيزر grave accident; in the month of October, “2000, Iqbal about ten months for the Sept. 11 ¯ 9, was a retired officer in the Israeli army planted ivy plant in Gomel Chyazd cemetery on the Mount of Olives Road in the state of New Jersey near Newark Airport, and the Jewish cemetery .. This man heard two people speaking Hebrew, and it drew his attention, فقبع behind the wall and began to listen to their dialogue.

Shortly after, I got a car to their proximity, and went down a man who was sitting on the back seat in the car to greet them, and after an exchange of peace, said the third man;’ll know Americans meaning to live with terrorists, after it hit the aircraft بالمبنيين in September ¨ September, “and hurried man who listened to this dialogue to inform the Office of the FBI, including heard several times, but he was always ignored and faces neglect, has not been doing any work has not been any investigation into the matter.

The names of the Mossad team who carried out the events

B Israeli citizens have received advance warnings; recognized company Odago for the transfer of instant messaging, an Israeli company, that two of its employees received instant messages warning them of getting an attack two hours before the collision of the first plane one of the towers, and this warning was passed to the authorities that it was in their power to save thousands of people Olahma the Althveralamsbak, he spent about 400 Israeli attacks, while only five Israelis were killed then, and this is surprisingly exciting and surprising.

C advance warnings of Goldman Sachs; On September 10, “2001, warned the company’s branch in Tokyo staff Americans to stay away from tall buildings in the United States.

D Company “Zim” Israel of Shipping warned in advance the company “Zim” Israel to evacuate its offices in the north tower of the World Trade Center and the area of ​​ten thousand square feet a week before the attacks and canceled the lease, and the government الإسرئيلية owns 49% of the shares of this company and was the lease in effect until the end of the year 2001, the company lost $ 50 thousand dollars due to the cancellation of the lease.

Client has been transferred FBI Michael have his position as head of the Commission of Inquiry into the Israeli moves suspicious and informed sources said that the Israelis were taken after he left the explosives “Zim” compound.

Mossad is accused of a study by the Center for Military Studies said that “Mossad” is capable of targeting U.S. forces and charge it to the Palestinians.

Spyware Israeli about the target, such as 09/11/2001 was stopped about 140 Israeli spying charges, and claimed some of them that they are arts students, and these defendants sneaked into military bases and centers secret, the Centers for Customs, and the Ministry of Interior, police stations and offices of Public Prosecutions, and government offices , and even private homes of some members of Congress, some of whom served in the Israeli intelligence services, and tapping units and electronic surveillance, and explosives units.

The Stone of Israelis working for the suspects Israeli أمدوكس company that supplies the United States recordings of telephone calls .. After the attacks have been arrested more than sixty Israelis on charges of violating immigration laws, and a number of them were elements of the Israeli army and there is also known as the five of them Israelis dancers were caught taking photos in different places, and celebrating immediately after the attacks .. One of them, named Sevan Kortizberg, immediately after their arrest; Israeli us, to امشكلة to have with us, if your problems are also our problems, the Palestinians are the problem.

Witnesses say that they have formed a working group to imaging and documentation before the first plane collision one of the towers. Computer software systems Beach most systems the ¨, computer software, “the National that should have been noticed events, such as hijackings, was one of a kind Beach, was Jewish Michaelgov Director of Marketing at Beach, has previously worked for Israeli Gardiom company information.

This company has been funded by Cedar and company فيريتا and other institutions funded by the Mossad, and this means that Michael Gough, who had been receiving information from Mossad agents, at the same time was working with partners to Lebanese Muslims in Beach Company.

The question is; Why leave Gough successful lawyer, his work in the famous law firm, to move to a company Beach regular computer programs owned by a Lebanese and a Saudi? The answer is that the Mossad is asked to do so, for the sake of the Jewish people and the finest. And programs Beach sold for security and government circles in the U.S. Altdhkant full of mistakes that led to the failure in the 11 ¨ September “2001. Known that Gough’s father and grandfather, were senior officials of the Masonic lodges.

Is it falls away from the fruit of the tree trunk? The investigation into the attacks that make things worse, the network of criminal Jewish rushed immediately get 11 attacks September “to work actively behind the scenes to block any legal investigation and proper to know the truth about what happened on that fateful day and thus preventing such and prevention.

They were responsible in that network, overseeing a comprehensive and complete investigation process in order to be able, in every moment, to cover all of the evidence that could reveal about the relationship of Jews to the crime, and they succeeded in persuading the U.S. administration in assigning judges and investigators Jews only in the conduct of investigations, and they ; Olڤn Hillrstein, Michael Mukasey, Michaelchirtov, Kenneth فينبرغ, Hilabernbaum, Benjamin Chertoff ¨, Michael’s cousin, “Chertoff,” Stephen Kaufman, all of whom are Orthodox Jews.

It was also put administrators and politicians in sensitive positions, they had the upper hand in directing investigations after the attacks, including; Rabbi Douesajaim, Richard Perle, Pouloolfotz, Douglas Feith, Elliott Abrams, Marc Grossman, Ari Fleischer. It is worth mentioning is that hijacker Mohamed Atta leads us directly to this criminal network one week ago for the attacks, when he visited with a number of his fellow hijackers cruise ship in Florida, and no one knows why, and did not conduct any investigation into the matter.

The question is who owns this ship? It’s Jake Abramov Jewish extremist, a former official in the Bush administration, and was involved in several corruption scandals, fraud and tax evasion and later, it is revealed that Adam Yahya Gadahn, known as Azzam the American, and a spokesman for al-Qaeda, which launched a number of video tapes threatens the world and Americans, contained his name on the list of the FBI’s wanted, Hoehuda and whose real name is Adam Pearlman from California.

Also, the Lebanese security services discovered recently, that cousin Ali al-Jarrah hijacker Ziad Jarrah, the Israeli Mossad client 25 years ago.

Netanyahu is considered architect Benjamin Netanyahu engineer attacks 11-9, through its management processes common Mossad, Shin Bet, he was president of the Government of Israel at that time, the owner of a long history of involvement in criminal operations and the Likud Party to which he belongs is the successor of the Irgun terrorist organization , which published a book in the eighties of the last century, entitled; terrorism; how the West can win?.

Mossad is an actor Italian President former Francesco Cossiga, who revealed the existence of “Operation Gladio” announced in an interview with the newspaper Corriere de la Sierra that the attacks of September ¨ September “terrorist has the management of the Mossad, and that this has become known by intelligence agencies in the world. Added Cossiga; all the intelligence agencies in America and Europe know very well that the terrorist attacks disastrous, was the work of Mossad and planning, in cooperation with Israel’s friends in America, in order to charge the Arab countries, and to urge Western powers to participate in the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.