Saudi newspaper reveal attempts to bring al-Sadr received positions with America

Saudi newspaper reveal attempts to bring al-Sadr received positions with America

Monday April 10, 2017 at 14:34 pm

Saudi newspaper reveal attempts to bring al-Sadr received positions with AmericaBAGHDAD / Sky Press:

Al-Hayat newspaper revealed Saudi Arabia, Monday, receiving Sadrist leader Muqtada al-Sadr offers from mediators to bring the positions with the White House, noting that a number of current leaders began holding meetings with the US Embassy in Baghdad.

The newspaper “life” and seen by the “Sky Press”, quoting sources close to Sadr that “the leader of the Sadrist movement received offers from mediators to bring positions closer between him and the White House, and already a number of his movement’s leaders began meetings with the US Embassy in Baghdad.”

The newspaper added that “it did not stop him (Sadr) of militancy in the condemnation of the occupation of phrases and be held responsible for what happened and is happening in the country.”

Sadr drew sharp criticism in a statement to the bombing of the US aviation capillaries air base in Syria, criticizing the same acrimonious Syrian aircraft raid on the town of Khan Sheikhun in Idlib. And he surprised everyone by calling for President Bashar al-Assad to step down, and the withdrawal of «all the parties and militias» (including what is Iraqi) from Syria, unlike most of the political and religious Shiite parties known positions.