Saudi Arabia threatens Abadi: we will enter Syria through Iraq and the Iraqi army will crush his objection if our troops

Saudi Arabia threatens Abadi: we will enter Syria through Iraq and the Iraqi army will crush his objection if our troops

Views: 5307 Published on: 11/03/2016, 14:30

Saudi Arabia threatens Abadi - we will enter Syria through Iraq and the Iraqi army will crush his objection if our troopsBAGHDAD / Hassan Shammari:

The Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir, for allowing the United States to his country to enter Syria through Iraq, threatening to crush any force encountered his troops even if the Iraqi army.

Jubeir said in remarks seen by “Sky Press,” that “Iran’s attempt to stop the military operations to take control of Anbar enough evidence to protect the organization Daash which she created for the destruction of areas in Iraq.”

“We warn Abadi if it stops, we our professor from America to enter Syria through Iraq,” and threatened that “any force lie ahead Senshakha even though the Iraqi army.”

The Jubair said, “Iraq is still under US Commandments”, calling on the Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to be “aware familiarize Yemen because we we started thinking about a storm packs to save Sunnis in Baghdad and Diyala it can not be tolerated for the massacres carried out by the” Houthis Iraq “after today.”

He explained that “Bashar al-Assad aside all agreements,” adding, “We will enter Syrian ground forces will see her world.”