Sami al-Askari after meeting Biden: Washington supports Maliki and supports his steps

Sami al-Askari after meeting Biden: Washington supports Maliki and supports his steps in the management of the country

Author: ZJ
Editor: NK, RS 3.9.2013 11:53

Term Press / Baghdad
Said a member of the delegation of the coalition of state law visitor to Washington, Sami al-Askari, said on Saturday that Washington confirmed its support for the steps taken by the Maliki government in the management of the country, and its commitment to support Iraq, while pointing out that the Ashtun supports pressure on Turkey “to improve their behavior with Iraq” , for supplying oil Baghdad to Ankara, stressing at the same time that Washington supports a peaceful solution in Syria.
The military said in an interview to the (long-Presse), “The objective of our visit to Washington activating the strategic framework agreement between Iraq and the United States, has been consulting with the U.S. side about what is happening in the region, especially the Syrian file.”
He added the military, one of the members of the delegation who is visiting Washington now, “We found an agreement in views between us and Washington rejected a military solution in Syria, and work to find a political solution involving neighboring countries of Syria, as well as America and Russia.”
It consists Iraqi delegation visiting Washington, of Iraqi National Security Adviser Faleh al-Fayad, and two leading figures in the State of Law coalition Sami al-Askari, Yassin Majeed, and a number of other characters, and visit comes after more than three weeks from the word Vice President Joe Biden in a speech during security conference held in Munich, Germany, (3 February 2012) in which he stressed the unwillingness of U.S. President Barack Obama visited Iraq during his second term,
And between the leadership in the state law that “was discussed placed Iraqi relations with the countries of the region and how to help America to Iraq in this aspect, in addition to follow up the issue of arming the Iraqi army and increase the speed of receipt of aircraft and other defensive security services requested by Iraq.”
And on, disagreements center with the region confirmed that the military “issue Kurds did not come up during the talks, but in terms of relations with Turkey,” stressing that “there is pressure U.S. on Turkey to improve its behavior with Iraq in return for providing them with the necessary oil through D strategic line of Basra to Turkish ports, connecting with oil region this line. ”
The Minister of Natural Resources Kurdistan, Ashti Hawrami, Tuesday 01/08/2013, that the province began to move shipments of crude oil to Turkey in order to be traded oil derivatives, while stressing that this procedure right of the region “because the Baghdad government does not pass the region’s share” of derivatives that are refined in the Iraqi refineries, while Turkey stressed that it is committed to its agreement with the province’s oil and confirmed that Washington’s attempts to “bend” Ankara for oil investment in northern Iraq under the pretext of the division of the country “unreasonable.”
On the issue of the possibility of Washington’s support for the survival of Maliki for a third term, said Sami al-Askari, “I did not ask placed support America for the survival of Maliki for another term, but they confirmed their support for the steps taken by the Maliki government in the administration of the country, also showed Washington keen to support Iraq and the Maliki government,” adding ” Therefore, we consider this visit positive and successful. ”
The House voted Iraqi During the second session of the second legislative term of the year legislative third session, in the January 26, 2013, on the proposed law the mandate of the three presidencies two sessions, amid the boycott block a coalition of state law voting session, with the exception of a coalition of state law, the vote ” breach “of Article 72 of the Constitution that set out the mandate presidency did not specify the mandate of the Prime Minister and Article 76, which stipulates that the president assigns the largest bloc in parliament to form a government,” stressing that it will appeal to the Federal Court Act, accusing the presidency of parliament to “change the will of the masses” .
The visit, Iraq’s national security adviser Faleh al-Fayad is the first visit by a senior Iraqi security official level to the United States since the outbreak of demonstrations in a number of provinces in the (21 December 2012)
And despite the fact that the United Nations and many countries and observers have confirmed that taking place in Iraq from demonstrations and protests have been going more than two months, is one of the “most dangerous and wider” crisis which has passed through since the fall of the former regime Year (2003), the U.S. administration did not comment on These events do not in any way, not even through its embassy, which only one of the officials of the clarification that Americans “embarrassed what is happening and prefer not to comment.”
Iraq has signed and the United States end in November 2008 agreement called the Convention on the strategic framework, in addition to a security agreement stipulates that it should withdraw all U.S. forces from all territories and waters and airspace of Iraq no later than December 31 of the year 2011.
Washington has a diplomatic mission in Iraq is one of the largest U.S. missions in the world, most notably, with an estimated staff at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad more than ten thousand employees, most of them security personnel.