Saleh stresses the need to intensify international support for Iraq in easing regional tension

Saleh stresses the need to intensify international support for Iraq in easing regional tension

1/9/2019 14:30

Saleh stresses the need to intensify international support for Iraq in easing regional tensionBAGHDAD: The President of the Republic, Dr. Barham Saleh, on Sunday, at the Peace Palace in Baghdad, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Jenin Hennes Blaskhart.
Saleh stressed during the meeting received a copy of the agency (Euphrates News) a copy of “the importance of the role of the organization and its efforts in supporting the democratic process in the country, pointing to the need to intensify the efforts of the international community to support Iraq in its pivotal role in reducing tension in the region, and the consolidation of international peace and security.”
He stressed that “the Iraqis are looking forward to a new phase of security, stability and prosperity.”
For its part, Balskhart renewed the support of the International Organization for Iraq in various areas, and continue to provide advice and assistance, and ensure the return of displaced people to their homes.