Sale of hard currency through the passport does not support the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar

Nahida Daini: sale of hard currency through the passport does not support the exchange rate of the dinar and humiliate citizens

07-06-2013 01:04 PM

Iraqi dinarBaghdad (news) .. She attributed a member of the Committee on the economy and investment MP / coalition in Iraq / Nahida Daini, the reasons for fluctuating exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the U.S. dollar during the last period to political differences and the deterioration of the security situation in the country, noting that the sale of hard currency through the passport does not endorse the value of the dinar. said Daini (of the Agency news): The decline that happened in the Iraqi dinar exchange rate against the U.S. dollar during the last period due to political differences that erupted between the parliamentary blocs, which affected بضلالها on the security situation in the country, and thus led to increased demand for dollar buying in the market . said: that the way selling hard currency, which taken by the central bank through the passport does not support Iraqi dinar exchange rate, but would hurt the citizen and تذله, calling for the central bank to the need to take the right steps and that will support the value of the dinar and take account of the Iraqi citizen. This has been reported, banking sources and citizens for the price of rental passport Iraqi one to 25 thousand dinars, after he launched the CBI instructed to a number of government and private banks to sell the U.S. dollar for the citizens directly as the right of the citizen and, according to bank instructions to buy $ 5,000 to bring him his passport stamped by the bank and arrested dollar amount compared to 119.000 thousand dinars per $ 100. and the equation is simple buying citizen $ 5,000 from the bank allowance Iraqis of $ 5,950,000 five million, nine hundred and fifty thousand dinars and sell it outside the bank to 6,450,000 six million, four hundred and fifty thousand, any profit net of (half million Iraqi dinars). / End / 8.’s. m /