Sadrists: Maliki mentally ill and Snhakmh after the end of his term for treason

Sadrists: Maliki mentally ill and Snhakmh after the end of his term for treason

Posted, 08/08/2013

Sadrists: Maliki mentally ill and Snhakmh after the end of his term for treasonPalm – attacked the Liberal block of the Sadrist movement, on Wednesday, strongly Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, describing the patient psychologically, while خيرته to return to his senses or return to Touirij, confirmed that “will be tried after the end of his term of office of the Iraqi government on charges of treason for Iraq.”

The MP said the Liberal bloc Jawad Alshahyla in an interview with media that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki began to fail day after day, and as a result became the accused and attacked on all sides and hold them responsible for the failure, “noting,” as if he is not the head of government and is responsible for everything.

The Alshahyla added that “Maliki became suffers from mental illness during the recent period,” counseled him as a “handle himself by going back to his senses.”

He called Alshahyla Maliki to “return to his senses, or return to Touirij,” and “I call on the prime minister to check the same and knows who is who ruined Iraq and abused the school’s bra,” stressing “Alice are senior leaders of the Dawa Party, who fought for the rule in the country this stage. ”

He Alshahyla that “Maliki was one of the most abusive of Islamist parties in Iraq and the Dawa Party and the School of martyrs Sadrain and he has to give up the prime minister,” and demanded “disqualified and naming a new prime minister,” attributing the cause to be “al-Maliki has his senses and became not trust anyone not parties are nearby and not far for him. ”

He also called for the Liberal bloc al-Maliki that “controls the reins of his party and held accountable spoilers in it and that is struggling stole the people’s money from his own party,” adding that they “will be held accountable and prosecuted Maliki after the end of the presidency of the government on charges of treason for Iraq and waste the blood of the people,” stressing that “This is what Noad Iraqi people and follow the school martyrs the Sadrain”.

Addressing Alshahyla what he described as “بأبواق Maliki,” saying “the trumpets, which is al-Maliki as the best prime minister in the world that counts how many of those killed in his time and what is the amount of money that fled Bzmenh,” and wondered, “Who is more anxious to Iraq and its unity from the leader Moqtada al-Sadr. ”

The head of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki attacked in a television interview with Al-Afaq satellite belong to him, on Tuesday, the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr Commenting on the news of “withdrawal,” the latter of political action, and with him to “retire or make significant reforms in the Sadrist movement,” It pointed out that the current transformation “abuse of the right of way School martyrs the Sadrain”.

The Liberal block of the Sadrist movement and his ministers in the Iraqi government called on Tuesday, current leader Moqtada al-Sadr to “reverse the decision of retiring from the political process,” two days after the exiled political body of the current news of his retirement from political life.

The sources close to the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, revealed in (the fourth of August 2013), the decision of current leader to retire from political life and the abolition of political circles associated with it, and not take part in any political action directly, during the next phase, while confirmed the Liberal bloc, of the stream, said the decision came as a result of “al-Sadr refused to participate in any conspiracy against Iraq by staying in the political process.”

The promise of a coalition of state law, led by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, Tuesday, (August 6, 2013) that the retirement of the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, the political life, “surrounded by a cloud that ستنجلي when it detects is personally orientations future, as he emphasized that اللم released did not” take ” Since the beginning, “a clear line”, expected to be retired “temporarily.”

This is the first time that declaring the leader of Sadr his retirement from political action, since 2006, as Aazzoa observers that decision to the deteriorating security situation in the country during the past period as well as the continuing differences and intersections between the political blocs and the crises that beset the country without a glimmer of hope Panevrajha.

It also comes a decision to retire from the chest amid reports of information “serious” deterioration of the security situation in Iraq, forcing the United States to close its embassy in Baghdad, among other capitals in the region, announced the U.S. Embassy in (the second of August 2013 present), for Close doors (Sunday), as a “precautionary step to security and safety purposes,” and called on U.S. citizens who need help to “contact the embassy,” and suggested the repetition of such a move, “depending on the analysis of the situation.”