Sadrists brought to Ebadi lists of corrupt and warn that the intervention has not been investigated
Sadrists brought to Ebadi lists of corrupt and warn that the intervention has not been investigated
Posted 10/03/2016 10:36 PM
Informed political sources, that the leaders in the Sadrist movement provided to Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi, lists of corrupt senior state, including close to former Prime Minister Nuri al – Maliki, in order to take penal right decisions. According to information made by the leader of the Sadrist movement, told the “politics Kuwait “, the military wing of the stream, had prepared a plan to storm the palaces and the homes of those named on these lists, and arrested in the case Abadi was unable to take action against them. this has warned the leadership movement, in his remarks, Iran ‘s intervention military forces to support al – Maliki and other senior corrupt holed up in the green Zone, stressing that it could cost Tehran all its influence in Iraq , especially that some Iranian officials, as he put it , saw in remarks rooms unlocked that what is happening in Baghdad of a battle against the corrupt is to try to target Tehran , either directly or indirectly .
Great news and goes to show the people from all sides have had enough of the corruption and want and need to see action. Abadi now needs to take serious against the leader ofmthencorrt Maliki. Maliki needs to,follow in the footsteps of the corrupt Iranian oil Minster who took the path to the gallows. Maliki also opens the door to Isis to enter and raid the country just to divert attention at the time of the election. Maliki is totally responsible for the current corruption and difficulties. Abadi has the support of the people and others and immediate action is needed. New minsters, new banking and investment laws, new court and judicial laws and currency reform are desperately needed. Then jobs will be available, taxes will be paid and investment will flow into the country. Good luck Abadi. Go get em.