Sadr says he does not retreat from health to withdraw confidence from the Maliki

Sadr says he does not retreat from health to withdraw confidence from the Maliki

30/05/2012 17:00

Erbil, May 30 / May (Rn) – denied the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr on Wednesday, falling for the withdrawal of confidence from Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, adding that he pledged to his partners to complete the number of votes in the House of Representatives if he can rest from collecting 124 votes. and aggravated the political crisis in Iraq During the past few months after the failure of the country’s leaders to reach understandings on pending issues since the Nuri al-Maliki, the head of a partnership. and place blocks of political figures, including the Sadrist bloc consultations for the possibility of withdrawal of confidence from the al-Maliki after that did not show any response to the demands on the management of the state after that accused him of seeking to control the joints of the country.Sadr said in response to a question by one of his followers for a reported decline the subject of no-confidence in Maliki “both. this talk is no truth to it.” said Sadr, a Shi’ite cleric, “I promised my partners that have received 124 votes I would be complement of that number. ” stressed by saying, “This promise will not depart with him after he refused to this party (Maliki’s Dawa) all the reforms with great regret.” Since the formation of the current government wrestled the Iraqi List, with a list of a coalition of state law on the overall political issues, but increased the differences is the entry of the Kurds on the line of the political crisis and the splintering of the Sadrist movement, which has 40 seats parliamentary his positions for the National Alliance. critics say policy-Maliki that the latter did not announce his intention to implement the points contained in a letter Arbil, the second a guide to adopt the policy of procrastination in the implementation of previous agreements. defended al-Maliki himself by saying that the agreements Arbil fully implemented and the remaining part is the responsibility of the Council of Representatives, which holds the presidency of the Iraqi List.Referring to the Law Council of strategic policies. Abdullah Sabri

Source: aknews