Sadr gives Abadi reform ministerial change and threatens to withdraw confidence with him

Sadr gives Abadi reform ministerial change and threatens to withdraw confidence with him [Extended]

13.2.2016 13:23

Sadr gives Abadi reform ministerial change and threatens to withdraw confidence with him[Najaf _ where]
gave cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to implement corrections “waving” no confidence about him.
Sadr said on Saturday, in a televised speech, he said that “nothing is in Iraq safe from the psychological and partisan desires, and factional and sectarian, which is now divided the country and make it up for grabs each of the bear, so we see sweeps volatility in our countries without a deterrent, not even deprecated but some satisfied and the demands of a plus to outright in the country’s affairs interventions. ”
However,” but it remains to citizen-Sharif and honest and oppressed lover of his homeland and his country where he grew up and lived in it with all the difficulties, but he lived in Srah and Dharah, that citizen who gave his voice precious in a democracy epics there were many in the country , but his voice was no longer benefit and is slaughtered on the bench politicians violated in the corridors of the government nor of Nasser particular, but Allah, and some honorable of them who have made ​​the general interests of their own. ”
He added that” this citizen rejoiced good when he heard the recent reforms that have received cordial support religious authority and people, civilians and demonstrators and the Islamists and even received parliamentary and government support, even reluctantly, also received international support in all Eastern and Western orientations that are not only able to support. ”
he noted,” it is clear that the upcoming reforms, which have been long awaited people of all sects were not confined to the political including, but permeated the security file deteriorating, especially with the presence of Aldoaash in some provinces, as well as the economic file, which is expected to further deterioration is also due to lack of expertise and Ndarh sincerity and frequent thefts. ”
he explained the chest that” all those files and other issues waiting for reform and change, “pointing that “the desired change us is that the government in all grades are in serving its people is not the same service and her party and people historically, government of the people to be to the people not to raise money and strengthen the power and influence and even domination on the necks of the people and their hopes and symptoms, so the governor overwhelming and ruler forgetting his paternity to his people, as in the previous government that have brought people into the abyss of death and sold the territory to the Gaza necks and handed over their weapons to the enemy and occupier. ”
He drew the chest” from here and last resort has become the duty to direct our discourse to our patient and not politicians who have sold their home for a handful of money or a chair, or the authority or shed , the Iraqi people is the only one who will hear the new of our enterprise reform and Sinfal and interacts with all peaceful means available to him, even across the political boycott or demonstrate them and activate the sit-ins if they were not responding to this rapid and serious reforms. ”
he said the cleric” these reforms have not facets of the stream Sadrist only, and did not ask those reforms any position or a chair, money or demand Dninoa or political, social or economic, but also wrote for the satisfaction of God and love for our people and to save the nation, which has become the strongest risk and became collapse staring at him from all the security, economic, social and political aspects and even intellectual and ideological and religious. ”
” We are after depending on God, especially after the success of the internal reform campaign in the current efforts of the faithful in it and after consultation with the cultural elite cadres and political economists, security, keep our project reformist Iraqi public, which must include all the joints and bodies, without exception, and the first of them current Sadr is not the last of them. ”
and included the reform project axes, according to al-Sadr, economic reform,” the restructuring of State-owned banks, and the inauguration of the governor of the central bank with experience, competence and integrity, and to support the local product by preventing the import of any Menth competitor, and support small and medium enterprises through loans and marketing and publicity, set strict rules for auctions of foreign currency such as the dollar and the euro, etc., and issuing internal bonds to strengthen its financial situation and fill the shortfall in the budget. ”
also included the economic hub of the chest,” the industrial and agricultural sector support in accordance with the contagious experienced specialty program, and to encourage national investment through some privileges and facilities for the investor, and the privatization of some public utilities conditional on providing public service and to do no harm and exploitation at the expense of the citizen. ”
as included security axis contained in the reform project, according to the leader of the Sadrist movement, to” convert popular crowd just undisciplined Banazare to the defense and interior wire and other security forces glance unitary to ensure their rights and benefit from their homeland, and limiting arms possession state and deliver the weapons have after the end of the war against terrorism, and to provide all team leaders and army chief of staff for the House of Representatives for approval on them, and hold negligent without exception in the case of the fall of Mosul, as well as hold all defaulters without exception Holocausts that have occurred, such as Spyker and Saqlawia and others, and the formation of committees with expertise and extensive scrutiny of arms importer and the quantities and price contracts as well as plant the weapon at home. ”
This included the security axis as well,” the military dimensions of the safe areas and prevent any armed presence of non-competent authorities, and the dismissal of all a security official political inclination and party. ”
annexation of the reform project, a dossier censorship, guarantees, according to al-Sadr:” activating the role of the Iraqi judiciary, and activating the role of the prosecutor, working on the liquidation of the judiciary from the notorious and work on the attribution to those with integrity, and the installation of a competent judge for the presidency of the integrity Commission as well as the accountability and justice, and the formation of a temporary committee to audit the ministerial contracts as well as contracts for public institutions from 2003 to 2016 that the Commission provide an estimate a month to the House of Representatives and is broadcast live on the air in order to inform the public on the level of corruption, “saying he was” required by the [Committee ] competence, integrity and experience. ”
In the regulatory profile called on Sadr to” audit contracts worth more than 50 billion dinars and older first, and then contracts without it Secondly, the board of reconstruction regard to refer the contracts and setting priorities and executing agencies in terms of sobriety and business experience. ” .
According to the political file contents of the reform project, “the formation of a team of the Prime Minister and a political independent, moderate and well-known judge, neutrality and national educator known retired employee of special grades highly experienced in the joints of the state to be independent, churning out for the team the following: formation ministerial specialist has integrity and experience in order to form a government of technocrats far from the party that includes everyone without leaning to the party of power and authority of the party, and provide the names of the chairpersons to the House of Representatives for approval, and to provide a candidate for agents and advisers, agents, managers and members of the bodies, ambassadors and the names of experts, all of that duration a maximum of 45 days after the submission of the program and a government curriculum by the Prime Minister is applied within a year or they will be the withdrawal of confidence with him inside the dome of the parliament. ”
He said al-Sadr:” after all that remains my hope in God and the honorable Iraqis high and those with national and efficiency of civil institutions and others to support this project reformist and educate him, without looking at the writer Iraq needs to unite and particularly since the reform project agrees opinion reference and agrees hopes of the people, “and expressed hope that all cooperate for the public interest and the removal of special interests away.”
he pointed out that “the lack of implementation of these items, is a betrayal of Iraq and its people, especially the bulk of the points are in accordance with the applicable legal regulations, and it will not be implemented underwhelming for safer and hopes of the poor and oppressed people of Iraq, and therefore will be our withdrawal from the political process, but from the whole policy is what you should not disappointed with the inaction on reform “.anthy