Russian official calls for a nuclear bomb Istanbul bombing

Russian official calls for a nuclear bomb Istanbul bombing

11/29/2015 0:00

Russian official calls for a nuclear bomb Istanbul bombingCapitals – Follow-up to the morning
entered a war of words in the crisis «Su -42» between Moscow and Ankara a new turn on Saturday, where he called the leader of «Liberal Democratic Party National» in Russia Vladimir Zhirinovsky dramatically to «the bombing of the Bosphorus and the city of Istanbul nuclear bomb», and with cross Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed his sadness to overthrow the Russian bombers «Su -42», a US official revealed that Washington put pressure on Ankara to close the border with Syria in general elements «Daash» who sneak in and out of Europe.
He called the Russian political controversial «Zhirinovsky» old 69-year-old, to take strict action against Turkey, he said: «erase Turkey for us is not difficult. If we hit a nuclear bomb in the middle of the Bosphorus, will produce a tsunami tidal reaches a height of 15 meters could sink ten million population in Istanbul », on top of the missiles that political suggested Russian use in nuclear strike is« Alexander »missile, said the Russian politician in Speaking with Radio «Geoffrat Moskva»: The «NATO will not provide assistance to Turkey as the West will not want exposure to nuclear attacks». melancholy Erdogan in the same context, the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed regret and sadness about the overthrow Russian bomber incident, and expressed the hope not to repeat such an incident, and said the Turkish president, in a speech during a meeting held in the province of «Balxeir» Saturday: «We were saddened this incident very much, and I hope will not be repeated, and we will discuss this issue and find a solution», expressed Erdogan expressed the hope that constitute the international climate summit in Paris on Monday, a chance to meet with President Putin, and »the restoration of relations with Russia», he added: «confrontations will not return joy to one, as Russia enjoys in relation to our country, the same importance attached to our country for them, and we can not shift each other of the horizon », and continued:« We say to Russia Let us examine these issues among ourselves, within our borders, frames, to find the right solution », noting that his country would continue« to cooperate with Russia on the international level and through diplomatic channels », he said. Memberships NATO on the other hand, said the deputy in the US Congress Dan Rorabaquer, that Turkey must not be a member of NATO, said on their profile in «Facebook»: «must applause for Russia, instead strongly criticize what you do and what you do not want our government to do by, any face of terrorists who kill people without mercy in Africa and the Middle East and the streets of Paris. If NATO membership means to defend Erdogan, in this case should not be in NATO or not to be where we are », and went on to say:« Syrian President Bashar does not constitute a threat to the United States and the Western world. If the removal of Assad from power, will be replaced by a terrorist in the end, will be biased in favor of the idea of the destruction of Western countries ». American message In Washington, the newspaper« The Wall Street Journal US »reported on Saturday that the United States has increased Dgodha to Turkey for the deployment of tens of thousands from soldiers to close the border with Syria, used by militants «Daash» in infiltration to and from Europe, the newspaper quoted Obama administration official as saying that «Washington sent a message to Ankara that: the game has changed. We’ve run out of patience. The borders need to closure », said he was informed Ankara that« it is a global threat and a whole comes from the Syrian border and the Turkish territory ». System« S-400 »In the context of the crisis, spokesman for the Russian presidency announced that the Russian Air Force will continue its operations aimed at supporting Syrian army operations on terrorist organizations gangs, after an accident «Su-24», Dmitry Peskov, said on Saturday: The «Turkish attack on« Su -24 »Russian aircraft such as the peerless challenge», pointing out that Russia’s response commensurate with the scale of the challenge Turkish. Showed «Anwowerev» broadcast by the Russian Defense Ministry on Saturday term covered by the air defense system «S-400» published in Moscow in «Humaimam» base in Latakia, which led to the suspension of the Turkish Air Force from launching any strike in Syrian airspace, and the map shows that the radar this the system covers the Syrian territory completely covers the western side of Iraq in Anbar and Nineveh, as Israel and Jordan are all, and North Sinai covers in Egypt, and a large part of the Turkish airspace, including Ankara, the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea. According to data and statistics published by the agency «Reuters» Saturday that Russian forces have increased after the plane incident of bombing Turkmen areas of northern Syria in Latakia province, where the accident happened, the Agency confirmed that Russian air strikes hit at least 17 ​​specific locations by name in areas of the Turkmen in several towns including: «peaceful» and »Kassala» and » Bottom »and» alarmist ».