“Rumors” contribute to building political orientations of the blocks!
On: Tuesday 15/5/2012 7:32
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in December raised the wrath of Saleh al-Mutlaq Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki described the dictator in an interview with CNN, which called on Maliki to call for the withdrawal of confidence from the al-Mutlaq as deputy prime minister.
In Iraq, if you can not nominate the Council of Ministers, it is not supposed to move from the Prime Minister given to the Prime Minister (Convention Arbil violated the Constitution and allowed the owners to move without the appointment of the Council of Ministers full). government nothing to do with who you like or do not like and but also to transactions that complexity to get to the post of prime minister. Candidates presented by Nouri al-Maliki could become appointed if approved by Parliament on the nomination and in this case can not be removed from office only by Parliament. AK reported that al-Mutlaq has not been isolated, and yesterday the withdrawal of al-Maliki’s ouster and his command, which has not been implemented. According to Article 78 of the Iraqi constitution, the prime minister is the executive director of public policy for the country, and the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and also runs the Council of Ministers and chairs its meetings, and has the right to expel Minister with the consent of the House of Representatives. On the other hand said that the station Voice of Russia bowed to pressure al-Maliki and parliament decided to keep his deputy. I made a mistake so that any newspaper reported that when al-Mutlaq is the first description of the dictator called on Prime Minister, since many of this description had fired him.
For its part, said Alsumaria rumors in Baghdad that (the National Dialogue Front), led by al-Mutlaq Stnhq from the list Iraqi and join Maliki’s coalition (state law).
Are al-Maliki and al-Mutlaq contract agreement? Or is it that this is part of Maliki’s efforts to offload the isolated efforts by a vote of no confidence? Says newspaper “long” that the coalition of state law makes it clear that the request to withdraw confidence from the al-Mutlaq is still in place and this shows there is no deal, in addition to that it said “long” that the National Dialogue Front, denies the common notion that it has entered into an agreement with al-Maliki and the rule of law and Mutlaq said there is no intent for any member of the National Dialogue Front, to secede from the Iraqi List. At the same time said Alsumaria that the Iraqi leader Iyad Allawi has said yesterday that the list supports the President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani, in his efforts to confront the political crisis.
if it is not al-Mutlaq has a deal with al-Maliki (he says so, who knows!), the common of likely to be part of the efforts of the law to win over public opinion. These efforts include the claim that the placebo Allawi has a deal with Barzani result in annexation of Kirkuk and Khanaqin, Kurdistan and the Nineveh after the dismissal of al-Maliki from office, which would anger a lot of the people.
and to spread this rumor has been assigned to someone to publish them on Web sites on the It’s taken from an article published in the British Observer newspaper, which has denied that
and said there is no one of its staff on behalf of Robert Doclas. Long said that state law may be behind the Common province of Kurdistan, and added that the early elections called for by state law intimidate political opponents. For its part, reported Voices of Iraq that the leader of the Sadrist movement, has described the call for early elections as a “challenge to the values of Iraq and the Iraqi people and would allow the owners to stay in office indefinitely. And that this state is subject to the type of dictatorship and we do not want to stay under the rule of al-Maliki . ”
So the political crisis continues,
and continues to the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, James Jeffrey, his meetings with the various political blocs, both in private, urging them to stop the opposition al-Maliki, while al-Hakim continues to move for the same purpose.
for: New York Times