Rubaie: Sons of the western regions will not trust America again

Rubaie: Sons of the western regions will not trust America again

05/22/2015 13:19 GMT

Rubaie - Sons of the western regions will not trust America againFollow-up – and babysit – said the National Alliance MP Rubaie The children of the western regions will not trust America again, after Takazlhm beating columns gangs Daash Wahhabism that stormed gray coming from Syria, revealing that Washington pressed the Abadi to prevent the sending of volunteers to eliminate Daash in Anbar fear of success of the mission.
Rubaie said the US strategy announced by President Obama in the middle of last year proved an utter failure, and which he said (we will work to weaken Daash and then eliminate it altogether), as evidenced by the fall of the city of Ramadi, Anbar province, despite a transition of columns Daash gangs Wahhabism from Syria to gray before the eyes of America, without exposure to air strikes had been promised by the international community and Iraq.

He said the Sunni Arabs in Iraq have lost their confidence in the United States to protect them and defend their towns, and this is what makes America a very difficult task to convince the Sunni tribes a second time for training with US forces, pointing out that the people of Anbar have full America’s responsibility for the fall of the city of Ramadi, however Aldoaash; because American pressure on the general commander of the armed forces, Haider al-Abadi; to prevent volunteers from entering Anbar to defend it before the crash. ss