Role of the UN in the formulation of the law of oil and gas consultant

Counting member of the parliamentary oil and gas to reduce differences between Arbil and Baghdad will reduce the role of the UN in the formulation of the law of oil and gas.

Said Furat al-Shara told all of Iraq [where] on Thursday, “The UN’s role will shift to purely advisory and technical assistance from without interfering with the convergence of views between Baghdad and Erbil regarding oil and gas law, in the event came the mini-committee format final draft law of oil and gas” .

He explained that the “mini-committee working on finding a consensus on two copies of the law in 2007 and in 2011.”

The federal government agreed with the Kurdistan Regional Government last month on the recent resumption of the export of oil by 200 thousand barrels per day to pay government Alathaah cost companies operating in the region.

The House of Representatives decided last month to form a committee pentagonal mini includes oil minister in the federal government and the Minister of Natural Resources in the province and a representative of the blocks of the Kurdistan Alliance and the Iraqi List and the National Alliance for the agreement on the preparation of the draft law of oil and gas.

The Committee held a meeting and agreed quintet which provides that the Minister of the Federal Oil and its counterpart in the province starting from Sunday meetings to agree on the technical aspects related to the oil, leaving political aspects to the blocks and leaders to resolve them.

The Committee stressed that the next Alajtmalla not yet been determined and is awaiting the outcome of the meetings of the Ministers of the Federal Oil and natural resources in the region.