Ring image US President “Barack Obama” raises controversy

Ring image US President “Barack Obama” raises controversy

Published on: 8/11/2015, 18:30

Ring image US President Barack Obama raises controversyBAGHDAD / Sky Press
Spread on social networking sites image sparked a lot of controversy for US President “Barack Obama,” which puts a ring one of his fingers engraved with the word “No God but Allah” in Arabic, according to many sources, the US President Obama wearing this ring of about 30 years, and his wife was Michel Robinson has offered him and placed him in his finger on the occasion of their wedding and that was in 1992.
In return, he asked many of the pioneers of social networking sites if this ring that puts US President Barack Obama in his finger limit time shows Ahtfadh original in his religion which is Islam or that it does not promise to be just a coincidence and nothing more or pattern Arabic script loves Prime country Uncle Sam.
This is noteworthy that immediately after the arrival of President Obama to the presidency of the United States protested it has a lot of the American people and accused him of belonging to the Islamic religion, which McCann may lie on many occasions.

Obama Muslim ring
