“Reuters” transmitted ally of Maliki: Baghdad is not in danger nor an urgent need for U.S. air strikes
“Reuters” transmitted ally of Maliki: Baghdad is not in danger nor an urgent need for U.S. air strikes
Posted 20/06/2014 11:18 AM
BAGHDAD (Reuters) – A senior ally of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Thursday that Iraqi forces stopped the immediate threat to the capital of Baghdad, which means it is no longer in an urgent need for U.S. air strikes to stop the advance of Sunni fighters.
It was announced by U.S. President Barack Obama on Thursday that he would send up to 300 military adviser to Iraq. Iraq had requested air support to troops facing creep fighters from the group Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.
And political ally of al-Maliki welcomed the announcement and said that Obama’s advisers will assist in determining the goals of the Islamic state, which could be the target of U.S. air strikes in the future but now the urgent need to secure Baghdad fell.
He is a member of the political leadership in the ruling coalition led by al-Maliki, who asked not to be named, “the United States is prepared to bomb certain sites but that still danger from Baghdad, that allows to gain time.”
He went on to say that Americans are staying intelligence contact centers to help improve the capabilities of the Iraqi Intelligence Service, which he described as political deficient.
He said, “Once they are there they will be able to determine the goals … that will help the United States to prepare for and find out how they would enter.”
I was shocked and the caretaker government led by al-Maliki and the Shiite-dominated last week’s sudden fall of the conductor largest city in the north of Iraq in the hands of the fighters of the Islamic state has seen progress these fighters in central Iraq, and they approached Baghdad.
Having faced significant splits in its ranks in North restored Iraqi army regrouped outside Baghdad with the support of Shiite militias and volunteers answered a call from the top Shi’ite cleric in the country.
The politician said, “We have succeeded in blocking progress and now the goal is to restore areas that they lost unnecessarily.”