Reuters: Barzani worried about the absence of Talabani
Reuters: Barzani worried about the absence of Talabani
The time on Monday, 04 March / March 2013 08:58 | |
Sulaymaniyah / Reuters
Attached to government offices in the Kurdistan region on the walls a picture of two presidents, including Kurdish President Massoud Barzani and other rival Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, who turned to his ally and is currently lying in a hospital in Germany after suffering a stroke.
Doctors say Talabani aged 79 years, says his health is improving, but many already started talking about political veteran in the past tense. And recognizes even the fiercest critics of Talabani as a person can not be compensated as president of Iraq and leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, which governs half the Kurdish region’s semi-independent in northern Iraq. Without authority Talabani indisputable In the absence of a clear chain of succession, the uncertainty surrounding the future of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan with compete more than six of his potential heirs for influence.
This uncertainty represents a source of concern for Barzani and the Kurdistan Democratic Party, which governs the other half of the Kurdish region at a time when the fragile sectarian balance in Iraq a state of tension because of the civil war in neighboring Syria. A source close to the decision-makers in the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Kurdistan Democratic Party, “Barzani’s supporters worry that a real absence of Talabani.” “We are concerned that take as his successor is a different approach with regard to bilateral relations, which could undermine the stability and the status quo.”
The cooperation between the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan to turn the Kurdistan region of Iraq from the isolated mountainous region into a prosperous region penetrate the international oil companies competing to exploit the land and construction projects approved capital Arbil.
And contributed to the understanding between the regional government divided between the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Kurdistan Democratic Party in a rapid boom in the Kurdistan region. Both parties used to govern two separate administrations and fought a violent civil war against each other in the mid-nineties.
And form a power-sharing deal between the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Kurdistan Democratic Party united front graze their interests in Baghdad, where they stood successive central governments barrier in front of the aspirations of the Kurds in the win autonomy and took advantage of each faction against the other.
Adnan al-Mufti, a senior member of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan that unless there was full cooperation between the two parties can not stand in front of Baghdad. He added that the storm coming from Syria and the Kurds stand as one. And hide the outer shell of the Kurdish regional government joint struggle still rages between the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Kurdistan Democratic Party each party has its own sphere of influence is clear in the region.
And concentrated stronghold of the Kurdistan Democratic Party around Arbil and the north-west adjacent to the borders of Syria and Turkey while waving the banner of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan in Sulaimaniya, the unofficial capital of him and on the southern Kurdish areas along the border with Iran. Does not enjoy any popular party in the heartland of the other and depend on each other to maintain his grip on the region.
And the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan already some influence for the benefit of the opposition party change (Goran), which split from Talabani in 2009 and attract a large number of followers by denouncing corruption and authoritarian rule. Said Mohamed Tawfiq Director of Public Relations party change in the party’s headquarters mountain they do not belong to the Kurdish regional government and representing the strongest party in the so-called political region of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK).
In 2011 party was at the forefront of change anti-government protests in Sulaimaniya, which killed ten people. After that he became Talabani, now out of the picture, analysts expect a more diplomats from splits in the ranks of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, the weak and divided and dissidents to join the party of change which has already challenged Barzani his demand to elect the president by parliament instead of the popular vote. A senior source said the KDP asked not to be named because of the sensitivity of the situation “will fall some turbulence next year.”
Since new disease Talabani of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Kurdistan Democratic Party strategic commitment to the agreement between them, but analysts and diplomats say the agreement may eventually need to restructure and that any change in the balance may affect the Barzani concerned.
Ramzy Mardini said at the Iraq Institute for Strategic Studies in Beirut, said the recipe Barzani rule is that remains of the Kurdistan Democratic Party is stronger than any other political entity and the opposition is able to enhance its potential. He added that the alliance between the two parties and the presence of the arch-rival Talabani Barzani in Baghdad satisfies Astrajith where signed commercial contracts with the Turks and strengthened his power in Arbil.
As head of Iraq Talabani held intensive contacts to ease, if not solve, the differences between the various factions, including the central government, led by Shiite and Kurdish community, which entered into disputes over land and oil rights.
The escalating sectarian and ethnic tensions, since the withdrawal of U.S. troops more than a year ago. He wrote U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, in a letter to Talabani and wished him a speedy recovery, “Iraq needs you to return to your business.” “You great Iraqi patriot and a true friend of America.”
Talabani and enjoys good relations with Iran, which also gives him some influence over Baghdad, which are subject to the influence of Tehran. And sent by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to the sick man of the state bouquet of flowers and a medical team went to stand beside Iranian in Baghdad before traveling abroad in December. And reveal a U.S. diplomatic cable, dating to 2008 and published by WikiLeaks later, worried by Barzani on how to deal with Baghdad and Tehran in the post-Taliban era.
The cable “across the head of the Kurdistan Regional Government Massoud Barzani expressed his deep concern that there is no one can deal with al-Maliki and the Iranians in the absence of Uncle Jalal (Talabani).” Barzani established close relations with the predominantly Sunni Turkey and regional competition for Shiite Iran.
And often resorted rival Kurdish groups to the most influential neighbors in the past of bullying each other and then used as spare is moved in a major geopolitical games. Following the introduction of Talabani to the hospital sent the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the delegations to both Tehran and Ankara.
Mardini said “Iran may work to make the party, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan after Talabani closer to Goran to better balance the influence of the Kurdistan Democratic Party and Turkish influence.”
The broadcast uprisings across the Arab world a new life in a regional competition the Old between Iran and Turkey inflame sectarian tensions in Iraq and the rest of the Middle East. A source in the party, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan on condition of anonymity “supports Iranian cooperation between the Kurds and Shiites while supporting Turkey’s Sunni Arab politicians and hopes to see the Kurds support them.” He added, “It is difficult.”