Report: al-Sadr, Allawi and Barzani succeed..a quorum for the withdrawal of the confidence

Report: al-Sadr, Allawi and Barzani once again succeed in mobilizing a quorum for the withdrawal of the confidence of the Maliki

12/06/2012 09:12

Erbil, June 12 (Rn) – The newspaper (politics) Kuwait said on Tuesday that the axis of political trio, which includes current Shi’ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, and Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani, and a coalition of Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, has succeeded once again in a crowd of more than 168 members in the House of Representatives , in order to withdraw confidence from the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, at a time when increased criticism of the Iraqi President Jalal Talabani of the closest allies of the Kurdistan Alliance because of his position in favor of the survival of Prime Minister in office. and According to Kurdish sources in Erbil that “the U.S. Vice President Joe Biden arrived at the conviction the effect that al-Maliki needs to go to support the Syrian regime and queued along with Iran, and the rapid developments in Syria towards the near collapse of the regime of Bashar al-Assad had to the United States to stand with the moves aimed to withdraw confidence from the Prime Minister of Iraq now. ” said Kurdish sources, that “the reasons that promoted by the U.S. administration on the change-Maliki is not the reasons adopted by the Iraqi political parties, but this difference is not important as long as the aim and one which is changing the head of the government. ” was nominated for some leaks that Biden told some Iraqi leaders that he will come to Arbil and Baghdad, but al-Maliki refused to visit at this time, he also considered going the Vice President to Arbil, the capital of the Kurdistan region is like a letter of support implied, to the position of Barzani and Allawi. ” According to informed sources in Sadr, Maliki has failed to arrange a meeting with an Iranian – American of understanding between the two countries to support his stay in the position of Prime Minister Iraq during the International Meeting 5 +1 and Iran, which was held in Baghdad in the twenty-third of May, and that Biden was the most prominent opponents of this meeting and on this basis, al-Maliki felt great concern of the U.S. position changed it. Open: Wafa Zangana  

Source: aknews