Report: al-Baghdadi, a liar and confused and his country began to crumble
Report: al-Baghdadi, a liar and confused and his country began to crumble
12/29/2015 19:42
BAGHDAD / Obelisk: newspaper “Die Welt” German published a report on the impact of the voice message published by the leader of al Daash Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, he said that the face of threats to Saudi Arabia and spoke uncharacteristically for Palestine, to hide a sense of weakness and confusion, after the organization conditions began to deteriorate more from direction.
The newspaper said in its report, that the disappearance of the leader of al Daash for seven months, speculation grew about being serious injury or death, but he surprised everyone to publish audio and networking on sites approved by the broadcasting organization Daayate recording.
The newspaper added that the registration, which lasted 24 minutes, included empty threats and non-seriousness of the international coalition against terrorism, and against the United States and many other countries, accusing it of evading send troops to fight regulation because they are “afraid of him.”
The newspaper considered that this threatening rhetoric adopted by al-Baghdadi, has no real goal is lifting the morale of its fighters, where he called for “patience Daash soldiers, clinging to their faith because God is with them.”
The paper said that the organization Daash now going through the most difficult stages since its inception, so the fighters in desperate need of moral support, after being organized strikes “international coalition” which caused “a lot” of the dead in its ranks over the current year and later the Russian raids. The positive wave, which was experienced by the organization overturned in recent months, despite the fact that the huge propaganda machine that depends on it, continue to work on the show as “invincible power”.
The newspaper pointed out that the organization continues to spread lies to raise the fighting spirit of its components, as recently claimed that a team of five suicide bombers succeeded in killing thirty members of the Iraqi forces, under the offensive of these forces for the recovery of the city of Ramadi, but the facts show that the number of the dead did not exceed four, according to Iraqi officials assurances, it refers to the desperation of the organization in the dissemination of positive news among his supporters at any price, according to the newspaper.
The newspaper added that the organization Daash branch in Iraq under growing pressure, after Tikrit and Baiji and Sinjar. The restoration of gray triumph of a great symbolic; because this city is the capital of Anbar province, which is one of the most important strongholds of the organization.
The newspaper pointed out that the organization of Daash on the verge of more problems, he stressed Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, that after the government regain control of Ramadi, will be working on the restoration of Mosul, the city located in the north of the country, which al-Baghdadi succession announced them in June / June of last year. Iraqi forces continue their preparations months ago to initiate the restore process.
The paper said that the Battle of Ramadi marked by very serious, and the Iraqi army progress slowly, quoted Gen. Ahmad Albiloa, saying “we are moving forward step by step, amid serious risk because of the large number of traditional-made bombs and websites booby-trapped, and can not be progress before the dismantling of these explosives.”
As the newspaper said in this report, al-Baghdadi, in this alleged audio recording, the promise of its fighters to them, “the penalty for their patience,” because they are going through a difficult period, not only in Iraq but also in Syria, the “democratic forces Syria launched” attack new last Wednesday against al Daash and succeeded this “alliance” which combines Korda, Arabs and Christians from achieving its objectives in four days only, control of November actually a dam on the Euphrates River, about 110 kilometers south of Ein Arabs (Kubani) and also to progress made by the Syrian army.
In conclusion, the newspaper confirmed that the organization Daash the situation is not so well-Baghdadi also named in the registration, and the Muslims around the world will not respond to his calls and engage in the war being waged, a private organization that began to lose its appeal.