Rating Banking Conference

Rating Banking Conference

10/02/2013 12:00 AM

Central Bank of Iraq- Iraqi dinarYasser incumbent
government approved that the banking sector is the mainstay wheel and advanced in the footsteps of development and economic progress as a tributary essential to finance projects and investments.
This text is adapted from the word secretary-general of the Council of Ministers during a speech opening the conference of the Iraqi banking first on behalf of the Prime Minister, which sponsored the conference, in Reading between the lines of the floor and found many questions need to be answered art by people of competence and respect among these التسؤلات that in front of the banking sector the opportunity to expand a huge and important about what is witnessed in Iraq, the growing financial resources and projects development how to get this expansion?.
answer is simply that the shared responsibility in to achieve this important goal between the banking sector and government institutions related While calling on the government to make specific proposals to make some amendments to the legislative, regulatory and promised to work with them and adopted in order to achieve the work of banks smoothly and effectively what is required of banks determine their requirements and according to available.
Well, the ball is now in the court of the banking sector and it The responsibility for dealing with these trends, which has long advocated by which they are presented in front of him on a platter of gold, required to move in the light of these facilities transparent and clear how? The receding recommendations as part of what enabled paper secretary-general, even for this stage and when the execution will go Palmtalib other because the ceiling set by the word
(make some adjustments legislative and regulatory) to help overcome the obstacles repeat that ceiling demands must be equal to the supply of procedures available.
then the responsibility of the second Located on the relevant bodies of the executive who oversees plans and directs monetary and fiscal policy towards the correct path of the banking system and seeks to repair him to respond and be a catalyst for the promises of the government in bringing about a change of course and the performance of the banking sector and thus complete the picture in the construction of a bank interacts with the orientations of the state and contributes in the process of construction and development and perhaps what is recommended to recall him to invite the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers the central bank to develop mechanisms Vaalhohadfah for coordination between the government and private banks and justice between them and only lead some failures and excesses of some banks to harden harmful through measures unfairly in the words of the Secretary General.
part, We believe that the central bank is keen on maintaining the national economy and prevent any irregularities detrimental to him will be a catalyst in achieving the goals and directions of the government towards activating the role of the banking sector in general and private banks in particular, and in his hand the success of this mission.
either the success of the Conference of the Iraqi banking first in the field of program work, research and regulation we hope perpetuating through the commitment of banks to stay away from irresponsible practices and indulge in finding products and banking services serve the citizen in the first place and then programs the construction and reconstruction and development so looked a picture conference and this is the vision evaluative him that Snazzha follow-up will be achieved in the near future.
