Rafidain will soon apply the electronic system instead of the paper to complete transactions

Rafidain will soon apply the electronic system instead of the paper to complete transactions

2017/9/13 8:10

Rafidain will soon apply the electronic system instead of the paper to complete transactions[Ayna-Baghdad]
Rafidain Bank announced the near application of the electronic banking system instead of dealing paper in the completion of transactions of citizens.
The media office of the bank in a statement received by the agency all of Iraq [where] a copy of “customers to review branches in Baghdad and the provinces for the purpose of updating their data and complete the necessary documents related to them in preparation for the application of the comprehensive banking system.
The statement pointed out that “the bank has reached stages and advanced steps in the application of the electronic system,” noting that “this system allows the citizen to benefit from the facilities provided by the bank through the completion of operations and simplification of procedures as well as cleaning the archive and inventory of the bank.”
