Quick end the political crisis: a sectarian speech leads to a fragmented Iraq

Quick end the political crisis: a sectarian speech leads to a fragmented Iraq

Created on Saturday, 25 May 2013 08:09 | Published on Saturday, 25 May 2013 08:09 | Written by: Uragency-admin | |

Quick end the political crisis: a sectarian speech leads to a fragmented IraqBAGHDAD / David Ali

Mounts two lines parallel to the Iraqi crisis first civil war between Sunnis and Shiites on the verge of happening, and the second time starting a new Iraqi based on the idea regions. May be protests Sunni Iraqis in Anbar and Mosul and other provinces station to revive that idea, but they got the momentum nervous and jerky sides of the conflict while taking the sparring between the character of the violence, which began from the soldiers killed intelligence on the international road last April, and the kidnapping of passengers on the same route in May.

“Political events and recent security in Iraq indicate reversal heavily toward escalation, which carries with it potential for the collapse of the current political process, and the possibility of turning the increasing violence to a new civil war dedicated social division and end completely opportunities coexistence within the framework of a single state and the political system has the admissibility and legitimacy” Thus wrote researcher Iraqi Harith Hassan about the crisis in his personal blog.

Harith believes that “the current movement in the Sunni Arab areas revealed legitimacy crisis faced by the Iraqi government in its relationship with the Sunni Arab community, as expressed constitute a new political identity of Sunni Arabs represent a break with the political history of Iraq.”

Daily and between 16 and 20 May, saw the capital, Baghdad, and Basra, Babil and Diyala, Tikrit and Fallujah, a bloody wave of bombings implementing rotation where to target Sunni areas and other Shiite, claimed the lives of hundreds of dead and wounded. Said a senior military source in the Office of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces said that “security setback will lead to the change of the leaders of the country’s security.”

Change also would apply to security plans in the country, according to what was confirmed by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said in a press conference held on May 19. The government’s decision came after calls for rose to reconsider the security strategy, especially with the development of methods of armed groups.

And already has seen some of the bombings sophisticated pointing in the mechanisms of implementation, said a senior officer in the Diyala provincial police “in one of the bombings in the city of Baquba, capital of Diyala province east of the capital Baghdad, there was a different kind of bombings, where targeted bomb worshipers at a mosque in place new, and in this explosive used armed groups explosive Bird’s death are advantages to be more lethal while flying at ground level. ”

But the processors of a technical nature of the security file is not feasible with a political problem after sectarian worrying, and the emergence of calls for the liquidation of accounts communities against the backdrop of bombings targeted areas for the year and the other for the Shiites.

It is believed Hamid Majid Moussa, secretary of the Iraqi Communist Party, said that “invitations unfortunate for revenge and retaliation launched by some politicians reason to aggravate the problem and feed the violence, and the basis for the formation and move the militias and armies and armed gangs, they therefore do not address the crisis, it is a factor in aggravation and the exclusion of any solution to it” .

It calls for revenge was born militant groups carry all of them dedicated to defending public about their community, in the gray afternoon masked civilian clothes and weapons, rifles and other heavy caliber viewing inside the yard of glory and dignity, as shown videos circulating YouTube that their mission to defend the protestors year, while confronted Shi’ite faction in contrast, the task of defending the Shiites.

In a statement to the Hezbollah Brigades issued on May 18 this Zkraltnzim Shiite that “what is happening from the threat of atonement and the criminalization and induction of explicit murder by expressing folk and Ojlavhm and behind the two entities Saudi and Zionist requires us to stand position frank and clear line and the size of the challenge.” Statement battalions hinted otherwise Sunni-Shiite his character retaliation which it says “I’ve seen them on over the years throughout killed us before Saddam hundreds of years and killed us with Saddam after Saddam will not stop, and do not have a deterrent do not believe in partnership, but consider themselves masters and others slaves.” The statement continued, “the majority of politicians prepare to face major.”

It was not the language of Sunni representatives in Iraq is different from the angry Shiite-charged discourse threatened. Says Hamid al-Jubouri, one of the protest leaders in Samarra that “a number of tribal sheikhs agreed not to back to back, so all elements of the uprising free Iraq joined the army of the protesters to take up arms against the government.”

With the rise of potential civil war and provide tools to violence from both communities two different in Iraq, it appears that the option of regionalization is ready to look more seriously so that the prime minister said at a press conference on May 19 that “Who wants the formation of regions in Iraq فأهلا and easy to do, but not by opportunities and the use of force, you will not have achieved only through constitutional mechanisms. ”

But researcher Iraqi resident in America Harith Hassan believes that “the only way to save the geographical entity of Iraq is to try to strengthen the current Iraq through a new deal to end the feeling in Arab circles – Sunni marginalization and exclusion since he laid the foundations of the political system quo across the consensus and compromises what was known as the Alliance Shiite – Kurdish. ”

In this atmosphere in which it is difficult to reach any “consensus”, Hassan warns of “Undo access to such a transaction whenever strengthened the power of the radical currents in the current protest movement and whenever strengthened links between the militant groups in Syria and its counterpart in Iraq.”
