Prime Minister of Canada for the alliance: either intervene militarily or be our “Help dead” no more

Prime Minister of Canada for the alliance: either intervene militarily or be our “Help dead” no more


Prime Minister of Canada for the alliance - either intervene militarily or be our Help dead no moreTranslation / .. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced that his country will not hesitate to be a part of this global effort to fight terrorism, and it would turn over in order to stop the terrorist organization Daash is hardwired, directed through it a scathing criticism of the opponents of the intervention of politicians and other parties in the Government of Canada .

It comes modern Harper through a speech Monday during a rally to support his conservative strategy on the back of the announcement opponents of the strategy that they are “going to another intensive campaign against the Canadian intervention in the current situation, which saw it enter the country in which it is not necessary”, where said Harper that “the growing conflict in the Middle East without the presence of global final solution will mean increasing numbers of refugees and the growing humanitarian crises that follow that the world and the great burden borne by Canada and will not be an exception with him if he stood on the fence ”

He added that “to bow to the demands of opponents in this context, those who claim to limit Canada’s involvement in the provision of humanitarian aid only mean that Canada is throwing aid to people who are dead,” referring to the nature of the situation after the controlled organization Daash on the region larger in the case of what has been neutralized world The first of the current conflict, where Harper stressed by saying “that this is not acceptable, we are capable of States to provide military and humanitarian aid, and this is what we will do.”

In the same context, Harper promised and within the electoral campaign launched by that Canada will expand the nature of their involvement in the current conflict against al Daash terrorist where will provide financial and military support for the protection of heritage and archaeological sites in Iraq and Syria from the threat posed by Daash them, as also confirmed that he had decided to host At least 10,000 refugees from both countries efforts within Canada to do its part in fighting Daash humanly and militarily if his party was elected governor for another cycle, noting that the provision of a safe haven for refugees only, without military intervention will not be enough to solve the dilemma.

Recalls that a further announcement has been issued by Harper on Sunday and carried by the network “National Post” it stipulates that will criminalize traveling to areas under the control of the Daash or it is possible to prepare a starting point towards a Daash areas to prevent the travel of Canadians or foreigners from the land of Canada about those areas as part of a solution to limit these to join the organization Daash Alarhabiy.anthy / 5