Prime Minister calls for activating the principle of “Where did you get this.”

Prime Minister calls for activating the principle of “Where did you get this.”

08/03/2015 08:37 GMT

Prime Minister calls for activating the principle of - Where did you get thisBaghdad-and babysit – called on Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, to activate the principle of “Where did you get this.”
Abadi In the first conference of the coexistence of young people, “called for the activation of the Where did you get this for everyone,” noting that “it is unacceptable that some of the children spend more than the prime minister.”

He said al-Abadi told the officials, “How do you ask of the citizen to be patient and you Mtnam?” He said, adding that “the system when the error occurred in the imposition of this class actually between the citizen and the administrator.”

Abadi stressed the need to “be there investigative teams from the Integrity Commission staff on all state officials.”

He explained that “corruption sheltering behind the complicated procedures and red tape complex and we reject it and we will hold him.”

He continued Abadi “We are young and in the same trench seek to reform and fight one battle against underdevelopment, corruption and terrorism, nor separate battle between corruption and underdevelopment and sectarianism.”

He pointed out that “there are more than 55 satellite channel in Iraq, not all state-owned, and there are hundreds of newspapers, magazines and websites in the Internet and all these things reflect the atmosphere of freedom,” PSC / h