President of the Republic ratified the first amendment to the law of sale and lease of state property

President of the Republic ratified the first amendment to the law of sale and lease of state property

Sunday, August 21, 2016 16:29

President of the Republic ratified the first amendment to the law of sale and lease of state propertyBAGHDAD / Baghdadi Uz..sadeg President Fuad Masum, on Sunday, the first amendment to the sale and lease of state property law.

A statement for the presidency received / Baghdadi News / copy of it, that the “infallible ratified the First Amendment on the sale and lease of state property law (21) for the year 2013, based on what passed the House of Representatives earlier.”
He added that “the law sent for publication in the Gazette of Iraq.”
The House of Representatives has ratified in (on Sunday, 07.17.2016) on the first amendment to the law of sale and rent money Ath.anthy 21 / d