Pompeo: America is ready to work with any prime minister who serves the interests of the Iraqi people

Pompeo: America is ready to work with any prime minister who serves the interests of the Iraqi people

04/07/2020 17:51:16

Pompeo - America is ready to work with any prime minister who serves the interests of the Iraqi people{Baghdad: Al Furat News} US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo confirmed today, Tuesday, that his country is ready to work with any prime minister that serves the interests of the Iraqi people.
“The United States is seeking to continue our good relationship with Iraq and we proposed a strategic dialogue last June,” he told a news conference.

And that “all strategic issues will be discussed in dialogue with the Iraqi government, including the future of the American military presence.”

He continued: “The Corona virus should not limit our ability to fight against the Islamic State in Iraq.” is over
