Political warnings of American plans after a series of Romanowski meetings

Political warnings of American plans after a series of Romanowski meetings


Political warnings of American plans after a series of Romanowski meetingsInformation / Baghdad…
The political analyst, Qasim Al-Tamimi, warned of US plans being translated by Washington’s ambassador in Baghdad, after a series of meetings she held with political and security officials.

Al-Tamimi told Al-Maalouma, “The meetings of the US ambassador, Elena Romanowski, with political and security leaders confirm the presence of US pressure on the political process,” noting that “the ambassador is accused of being involved in regime change away from the use of apparent force.”

He added, “Romanowski’s moves confirm that America is not satisfied with the Iraqi political scene and seeks to change the compass to serve its interests.”

And he indicated that “the American ambassador, and after her meetings with the Kurdish side before passing the budget and the issuance of the strongly worded statement from Masoud Barzani, these data confirm that the coming days will be full of surprises that will translate Romanowski’s plans in Iraq.”
