Political current: Al-Halbousi will lose his position before the provincial elections

Political current: Al-Halbousi will lose his position before the provincial elections


Political current - Al-Halbousi will lose his position before the provincial electionsInformation / Baghdad..
A political movement confirmed, on Saturday, that the Speaker of Parliament is about to lose his position before the provincial elections.

The Secretary of the youth political movement, Saif Al-Dahlaki, said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, “The movement of the Sunni forces regarding the change of Al-Halbousi has taken a new direction of interaction and unification of efforts, and there are surprises in the coming days.”

He added, “Al-Halbousi will lose his position before the provincial elections,” pointing out that “the Anbar files revealed a large scale of corruption that will prompt other investigations.”

He pointed out, “The change of Al-Halbousi will take place according to the democratic situation, and the Sunni forces have the right to present candidates, and this is what we expect in the coming period.”

Al-Halbousi faces great embarrassment in the Anbar file, after the extent of corruption became clear in large government institutions led by those close to him.
