Planning with the United Nations signed an agreement to develop the private sector

Planning with the United Nations signed an agreement to develop the private sector

2018/1/11 13:25

Planning with the United Nations signed an agreement to develop the private sector{Baghdad: Al-Furat News} Ministry of Planning signed with the United Nations Development Program, the Convention on the implementation of the strategy of private sector development.
A statement issued by the ministry received a copy of the Ministry of Planning for Technical Affairs Maher Hammad Johan said after signing the agreement with the country director of the United Nations program in the Middle East Mounir Thabet, “We continue to cooperate with the United Nations Development Program, Many programs “.
“This is a national strategy that is not a strategy of the Ministry of Planning, which was prepared by sectoral bodies and in partnership with international bodies represented by the United Nations and the United Nations Development Program,” he added, adding that “this issue is a sequential part of these programs, which we share in the implementation of the strategy of developing the private sector.” Approved by the Council of Ministers in 2014 “.
He explained that “this strategy has been initiated by the mandate of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers by the Ministry of Planning represented by its sectoral departments of the Department of Economic and Financial and private and other services.”
“The strategy was developed in a situation where the country was quite different, but one thought that this sector should play a key role in building the country in development, partnership and economic diversification in general,” Johann said.
“Today, we are in dire need of the role of the private sector to match the reality of our words,” he said, noting that “this strategy includes key axes that go to the private sector at a clear pace for the country and the surrounding countries encourage it to engage in real economic development.”
He pointed out that “the issue is mainly related to the private sector in order to absorb the bulk of the expected unemployment as a result of the cessation of employment opportunities provided by the state to the public sector, and this is an important part of the fact that it is reflected in many categories too.
Undersecretary of the Ministry of Planning, “We must find these graduates a place in the labor market with the need to be partners in development and beneficiaries or winners of every framework of economic development experienced by the country.”
He expressed the hope that “this partnership or the agreement through which we have put our hands on the right path for implementation,” noting that “the objective of this agreement is to provide a framework of cooperation to facilitate coordination between the parties and on a general basis in the areas of common interest and does not accordingly include any executive program or Financial obligations of the parties “.
“The objective of the project for UNDP is to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the PSD strategy. The Ministry of Planning is to provide funding and technical arrangements for the implementation of the PSDS in Iraq,” he said.
For his part, said the country director of the United Nations Development Program in the Middle East, “The Convention is an initial framework for cooperation between the United Nations Development Program and the Iraqi government on the implementation of the strategy of private sector development, and believes and a comprehensive conviction that there is special importance to the private sector in Iraq Job opportunities The challenge of job creation may be the biggest challenge in post-liberation Iraq. ”
“The big challenge is the economic advancement, which should be a comprehensive development that includes all citizens, especially young people who unfortunately have not been able to enter the labor sector enough to meet their wishes and ambitions, there must be a role for the private sector.”
He explained that “the development of the private sector and its development is part of the strategy of the Ministry of Planning,” stressing “its readiness to cooperate with the Ministry to implement this strategy. The important role for us is to support the ministry in developing a framework to help the Ministry to monitor the implementation of this strategy. Gives him the facts and this briefly represents the nature of cooperation that will happen between the Ministry of Planning and the United Nations Development Program {undp}. ”