Petraeus: early US withdrawal from Iraq caused a negative impact to Iraqi forces

Petraeus: early US withdrawal from Iraq caused a negative impact to Iraqi forces

Posted 30/10/2016 01:24 PM

Petraeus - early US withdrawal from Iraq caused a negative impact to Iraqi forcesConfirmed the former commander of US forces in Iraq, former Director of the CIA, David Petraeus, said the decision to withdraw early from Iraq caused a very negative implications for the capabilities of the Iraqi forces in the face of terrorism.

And between Petraeus in a press statement that the battle of Mosul extremely difficult because most city site complex, stressing that the fight will end by defeating organize Daesh terrorist military explaining that defeat militarily Daesh does not mean that the organization ended up casting the face of the organization again if you did not win in the Baghdad political vision of coexistence founded on representative government that includes all Iraqi people in addition to receiving training Iraqi forces in the fight against terrorism and develop their intelligence-Maliki, saying promote the logic of sectarian rule in Iraq, the reason for the emergence of Daesh and threaten Iraq’s unity and sovereignty over its territory.