Peshmerga claimed control of the Sinjar district in full
Peshmerga claimed control of the Sinjar district in full
11/13/2015 09:11 GMT
BAGHDAD – and babysit – announced cell media war, on Friday, the control of the Peshmerga forces on the district of Sinjar, west of Mosul in full, while confirming that the Kurdish forces began combing the revival of the judiciary.
It said cell in a statement, said that “the Peshmerga forces were able, today, to edit Sinjar, west of Mosul, from the control of the organization Daash fully.”
She cell, that “the Kurdish forces began combing the revival of Sinjar district in anticipation of the presence of residual pockets of the organization.”
And it announced that the General Command of the Peshmerga forces, earlier on Friday, the liberation of more than 150 square kilometers of the control of the organization “Daash” in the district of Sinjar, west of Mosul, confirmed that the organization left more than 100 dead during the battles.
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