Parliamentary: The parliament is broken without justifications

Parliamentary: The parliament is broken without justifications

24/5/2020 15:49

Parliamentary - The parliament is broken without justifications[Baghdad-Ain] The
deputy of the Alliance of Raiders of Riyad Al-Masoudi affirmed on Sunday that his alliance’s request to dismiss the Speaker of Parliament, Muhammad Al-Halbousi, was not for political goals but rather to disrupt the work of Parliament for a long time unnecessarily.
Al-Masoudi said in a statement to “Al-Maalouma”, that “other political forces seek to question Parliament Speaker Muhammad Al-Halbousi, and then to dismiss him because of his intent to disrupt the legislative work, especially since Abdul-Mahdi’s dismissal of the day.”
Al-Masoudi added that “the pursuit of other marches and some forces did not remove Al-Halbousi, and there is no political goal or motive behind him, but rather for the sake of reforming the legislative institution, especially since the conditions through which Iraq passes need a productive legislative authority.”
The deputy of the Alliance of Al-Fath Muhammad Al-Baldawi confirmed in a previous statement to “Information”, that talking about the dismissal of the presidents of the Republic and Parliament needs a national and political consensus according to the requirements of the stage, pointing out that Barham Saleh committed many constitutional violations and there is still a lawsuit regarding his violations .