Parliamentary Services reveals fundamental changes in Iraq’s alternative energy strategy.

Parliamentary Services reveals fundamental changes in Iraq’s alternative energy strategy.


Parliamentary Services reveals fundamental changes in Iraqs alternative energy strategyInformation/Baghdad..
The Parliamentary Services Committee revealed on Sunday that fundamental changes will be made to Iraq’s alternative energy strategy in April, confirming the adoption of new steps to enhance the efficiency of solar systems and reduce their prices.

Committee member MP Baqir al-Saadi told Al-Maalouma, “Iraq has adopted a nine-point strategy to advance the implementation of alternative energy, or what is known as clean energy, with the aim of enhancing the flexibility and smoothness of electricity provision to cities and villages, especially with the ongoing energy crisis during the summer months.”

He added that “the changes expected next April will include working to provide solar energy systems at lower prices than those currently available in the market, in addition to relying on highly qualified companies to supply materials and equipment,” noting that “a series of steps will be announced soon that will lower prices and increase the options available to citizens when purchasing solar energy systems.”

Al-Saadi explained that “Iraq’s climate is ideal for the use of solar energy, and it can contribute to reducing the load on the national grid by at least 5% in a short period of time. This is a significant percentage that could be increased if citizens’ suggestions are addressed, particularly with regard to cost and quality.”

It’s worth noting that the government has adopted a strategy to promote the use of alternative energy, including solar panel systems, to provide electricity, particularly in residential areas, taking advantage of the favorable climatic conditions for this technology, which has proven successful in many countries around the world.