Parliamentary oil refuses to privatize the electricity and calls for them to wait

Parliamentary oil refuses to privatize the electricity and calls for them to wait

Tuesday April 18, 2017 at 13:01

Parliamentary oil refuses to privatize the electricity and calls for them to waitBaghdad-Sky Press

Parliamentary Committee on Oil refused during the hosting of the Electricity Minister Qassem Fahdawi, the subject of privatization of electricity because of its negative effects on the simple citizen.

Chairman of the Committee on Oil Alnibaah ares Abdullah said the hosting came to discuss the new pricing and on privatization and contracts on this subject.

Abdullah said that there is a refusal on the issue of new rates, despite the absence of the privatization of the electricity sector, but the collection and the participation of this sector, “noting that the Commission is seeking with the people and can not try damaging and at the same time working to protect the electricity sector through the wages of electricity and not to encroach upon the the network.

Between: The ongoing Committee in its meetings until the outcome that satisfies all parties and positive.

To confirm the oil parliamentary member Zahir Abadi, the committee rejects the subject of privatization of electricity at the present time under the terms of the resolution because of its negative effects on the economic situation of citizens, noting that in the process of submitting a draft to the Commission may contribute to solving the problem of the collection of electricity

The MP said al-Abadi told the “Sky Press” was Fahdawi hosting with a number of managers in the Ministry of Electricity to discuss the issue of collection of electricity to the difficulty of its application at the present time in the current situation, and taxation law in the Constitution and the Commission objecting to the pricing of government support for the project, “calling to find the functions of a shared vision between the Ministry of Electricity and energy Committee to extract a vision of cabinet members serve the people and not the weight of their shoulders very large lists and contribute to the support of the Ministry of Electricity to continue its work.

He added that in the process of submitting a proposal to the oil and parliament on the issue of collection that works on the hashes of the southern region of North and Central and placed them special, especially since climatic conditions vary between them, and support by the government for the pricing of pricing as well as support the difference that gets between the south-central region and the North so that you can Replenish.

The Oil Committee member of the parliamentary Mazen Mezni rejected the subject of the collection of electricity, especially since the committee did not meet with the Ministerial Committee on Energy to discuss the matter, saying in a statement that members of parliament refuse Weighting citizen amounts additional may harm them, despite the existence of justifications for the Fahdawi on the collection of electricity related to the World Bank who refuses that there are amounts spent on the electricity sector. ”

He added that the ministry’s policy during the period of political prosthesis is based on problem solving so that the ministry Walkers own affairs, noting that the survival of the privatization policy, which is a system that is not accepted by the Iraqi people at the time of disposal of the big money, the issue because it writes to him success.

He Mezni said the ministry is determined to implement this system after its success on one of Baghdad which is not logical can not succeed in the rest of Baghdad and the provinces, adding that the minister called the decision either to wait or leave or resign.