Parliamentary Legal 100 law pending legislation and the budget in 2014 merged with next year

A member of the Parliamentary Legal 100 law pending legislation and the budget in 2014 merged with next year

Saturday November 22  / November 2014 12:05

Parliamentary Legal 100 law pending legislation and the budget in 2014 merged with next year[Baghdad-where]

He said the Parliamentary Legal Committee member, said “more than 100 bill in the House of Representatives to include pending legislation.”

Ali added Morshedi told all of Iraq [where] “There is a set of laws that intend to approval in the current parliamentary session, including the ancient transmitted by the previous parliament and other new law which is above 100, but we will look at priority approval.”

He pointed to the “seriousness of the House of Representatives to pass important laws that concern the people of Iraq and the other in building state institutions, including the oil and gas law and the Federal Court, political parties and the Federation Council.”

He Morshedi “as that among those laws draft budget for 2015, which we will start soon with the law but with a non-submission of the government to coincide with the end of the first legislative chapter on the first of December may delay approval.”

And between a member of the Legal Committee of the parliamentary “may not exceed the House of Representatives legislative recess and we hope to reach us budget bill soon,” he said, adding, “We believe that the budget in 2015 will be approved on time, unlike in previous budgets that exceeded for several months, and most recently the budget in 2014, which merged with the budget in 2015 with the end of the year ongoing. ”

The Finance Minister, Hoshyar Zebari, said last Wednesday that “the government is currently engaged in the preparation of the budget in 2015″.

As said, the House of Representatives decision Imad Youkhana Yako, last Thursday, “The government has promised us to send the budget in 2015 the beginning or middle of next month or in December,” adding that “there is a paragraph in the event of non-arrival of the budget in 2015 to the Parliament can not be the House of Representatives to begin the legislative Batlth” .

The Oil Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi said that “the price of oil is expected calculated in building the financial budget for 2015 would estimate at $ 80 per barrel.”

He guessed Abdul-Mahdi during a session hosted by the House of Representatives last Monday, “the lack of a rapid rise in oil prices during the current period, in spite of the presence of the attempts being made to ensure the stability of the oil market, or to achieve a relatively high prices.”

The religious authority has called more than once in Friday sermons through their representatives in Karbala to speed up passage of the budget in 2015 and diversify sources of income to the state treasury with the drop in oil prices and the face of the deficit and stressed the need to show the leaders of political blocs flexibility necessary to overlook some of the demands that can be postponed for another time, noting The insistence on disable this budget means that the harm would befall everyone and lead to the disruption of the country “.anthy 2.