Parliamentary law suggests extending the legislative term in order to approve the budget: we only have four days

Parliamentary law suggests extending the legislative term in order to approve the budget: we only have four days


Parliamentary law suggests extending the legislative term in order to approve the budget - we only have four daysToday, Sunday, the Legal Committee in the House of Representatives suggested extending the legislative term, which ends after four days, in order to give a period for approving the financial budget.

A member of the committee, Omid Muhammad, told Al-Mawtala news agency that “the legislative term of the House of Representatives will end on 6/9 next Friday, and therefore we are separated by only four days to approve the financial budget,” noting that “the internal system of the House of Representatives allows for the extension of the term and the cancellation of the holiday in order to approve financial budget.

Muhammad added, “Next Tuesday there will be a session of the House of Representatives, but it has not been determined whether it is dedicated to the budget or in order for the parliament and political blocs to come together to put in place the last understandings before approving the budget.”

He explained, “According to the data, the main differences have been resolved, and that the next ten days, the financial budget will have been approved in the House of Representatives.”