Parliamentary fortunes depend on passing the oil law on political consensus

Parliamentary fortunes depend on passing the oil law on political consensus


Parliamentary fortunes depend on passing the oil law on political consensusInformation / Baghdad..
A member of the Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee, Sabah Sobhi, pledged today, Sunday, to passing the oil law, to achieving consensus and removing many obstacles.

Sobhi said in an interview with Al-Maalouma Agency, “The oil and gas law must be submitted to parliament because of its economic importance and its impact on the nature of the political relationship, according to the agreement concluded between the political parties that formed the government.”

He added, “The draft law is still with the government due to the outstanding political differences regarding the law,” noting that “the law needs political consensus among all parties without exception.”

And he continued, “Seeking to create a suitable environment to solve some of the accumulated problems to proceed with the legislation of the law during the current parliamentary session,” pointing to “the continuation of work to solve all problems on the law and put it on the parliament table for the purpose of discussion.”